Just In
for The Fat Man

7/2/2003 c1 Alysia
yea im sorry to. i just dissed your one story cause i thought it was meaningless. but i understand that u were just testing it out. i think u should try real writing-u might actully hav some talent. some of your disses were really good and u have an interesting vocabulairy, somehting that u don't see a lot of in fanfiction. and please if u ever have the time read some of my work. so srry again! if u ever do write nething im me and ill check it out!


7/1/2003 c1 alysia
alright lets call a truce right here right now. im alittle sick and tired of this immarture behavior. so im calling a truce. can you be adult enough to take that? so please stop putting your stupid retarded messages on my things and i'll stop also. and no im not a sheman btw-it was an expression-so please stop and ill stop im seriously getting to old for this.
6/30/2003 c1 Alysia
ok when i said please leave comments or suggestions i meant intelligent ones. you are not that intellegent from what i can see. a stinky plumber who poops in her pants all the time? hello how fucking old are you? whats your problem? can't find a real life anywhere so you have to critize mine? and who cares if im not a good writer? i never did say i was going to make a professional career out of it. and is a housewife a bad job? i think your a sad and pitiful excuse for a women who should be shot. and if you have a problem with my hopes and dreams-then don't read them! you stupid ass bitch. and trust me im not worried that any one is gonna see my reviews on your "story" because no one reads it! i've got more reviews on my "pitiful" stories as you call them then you will ever get. and you know now that i think about it i wonder what your gonna be when you finally grow up? probably nothing good. and at least i have the balls to put my name on the reviews i leave you. what are you some kind of pussy? and maybe if you actully took the time to read one of my stories you might see that you can compare yourself to them. so please stop leaving your stupid ass comments on my decent work-and i'll stop leaving them on your piece of shit that you actully took the time to put on the internet. and yes i am going to delete your shit because my readers don't need to be insulted by having to read your childish comments. thanks again,

6/28/2003 c1 Alysia
fuck you. i have no idea who who are but your a fucking bitch. you really honestly think my stories are lame? yours comes with a warning label. and yes please stop going on the internet-it would do us all better. and just so you know i happen to be a pretty good writer and not some smart ass little whore who thinks she can put shit on the internet and the critize other peoples work. keep you fuckig opinions to you self and leave the rest of us respected writers the hell alone. your story is so fucking stupid im suprised they even let you put it on here. i should be the one reporting abuse because having to read your lame idea of a short story almost killed me. so please next time before you critixe take a look at your own work and keep you big fat ugly mouth shut. and just to let you know oly one of my stories is truly about me-the others i just made up. i bet you didn't have take time out of your "busy" schuduale to read my work? can you even read? oh and you really shouldn't put stories about your own mother on the internet.



ps-i erased all of your stupid ass comments. so go fuck off.
6/19/2003 c1 6Giddies
ok that was about the dumbest thing i ever read. please it's people like you that give internet fiction a bad name. please next time you want to post something-make it meaningful.
3/17/2002 c1 GoodBye Everybody

*The Mighty Sisto*

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