Just In
for Ronin Gakusei

5/31/2003 c3 17Naga Harusame
okay, i know i've reviewed this thing before, but as you know, i'm making a comic about it and i've made a few observations...

1.)i like the first two chapters...the third chapter focused a little bit on asuka more than usual. come to think of it, you wrote the first two before you liked her...i'm not trying to make any assumptions but...

2.)i have a sneaking suspicion (actually asuka agrees with me...) that you used to like me or something...i was talking to asuka about the beginning scene in here and we both started thinking that you did, so...-but like i said i'm not trying to make any assumptions! and there's no wishful thinking involved either, so there!

3.)are you gonna finish this at all, because if you aren't, can i do it for you? i know you say that you don't like to because of all the complaints from others, but i'll make a big effort not to, okay? please? ^_^


naga harusame
12/11/2002 c3 Asuka5
Yay! hahaha It figures I didn't know what it would do. ^-^ uuu, so exciting! I can't wait till you put more up! ^-^
6/5/2002 c2 Naga Harusame
woohoo! it's me! Naga-chan! i'm so cool! i get a staff! thanks, kensuke-kun! very good job! write more! puweezies?
6/1/2002 c2 Starvoicereason
Ah... I see... things make more sense now...

And here I thought they were in the real world. Obviously not. I couldn't figure it out and it was annoying me... *shrug* *grin*

Anyway... I like this! They should call for help by the way... It only makes sense. Stupid to leave your friends unaware and sleeping in the face of danger...

But I like it! Your mystery man is Happosai, isn't it? EEEWWW!
4/28/2002 c2 Asuka
Hello Kensuke-sama! This is Asuka. umm Hey should my name be Rini or Asuka, hmmm... Oh well I'll just deal with it! ^-^ happiness! Write More! It is very good so far! You must hurry though! I need fic! soo...spiffy... Well I'll leave you alone now!

4/4/2002 c1 Starvoicereason
Ii desu yo!


Nice, nice... Well, you know who this is, right? I like it. Your style is good, and the the grammar and such is good too, but I gaurantee that if you keep writing, it will get better as you get older... so, I guess I'm trying to say, it's awesome, and it will only get better! So keep writing, give us more, etc!



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