Just In
for My Musings of Poetry

10/7/2003 c7 Aisling Grey
Your poetry is incredibly beautiful. Full of imagery and wonder. I have to admit that my favorites are "Bottled Words" and "Night". I actually enjoyed them all, but those two really packed a punch. Very powerful poems. And "The Sky Buffalo" and "The Snake" sounded something like one of my all time favorite authors would write - Sherman Alexie. They have a Native American theme to them. Very moving. A couple of your poems actually moved me to tears. Keep up the incredible poetry!
8/30/2003 c1 11The Lady Assassin
Wow! You're good! That was nice. Don't see anything that needs a change. I've about run out of online compy time (I limit myself or I'd never get any writing done), so I'll come back for the rest of the chapters and maybe some of the stories soon. I like what you did here. It beautiful.
4/30/2003 c1 Scott Carriere
I love it Steph. I probably enjoyed it most because I know what you're talking about,"...To write down in my leather book that I keep from you..."
3/26/2003 c1 MelodyReiterLee
Great job! Nice way to express feelings! Keep writing!
3/3/2003 c1 13Mageling
Well done!

The best way to keep your stories and words alive is to let others see them.

Keep writing!
12/30/2002 c4 8MJE Michael
thats cool! its nice when an author gets acknowledged like that. i see why they picked it-i felt like i was inside the snake and was thinking with the whirling gears of its mind, and then i-it-well just great!
12/30/2002 c2 MJE Michael
wow, these are truly amazing. i liked the first one with all its fluency and descriptive ness (the Aurthur part was keen as well) and this one is very descrpitive too

write more
12/30/2002 c1 MJE Michael
nice, i enjoyed this
12/25/2002 c3 1Samwise
Great job! i really like your poetry. It has a sort of calming sense to it...It throughly enjoyable, good job! if you like poetry and fantasies, you might want to check out some of my stuff. Keep up the good work!-Bea
11/11/2002 c1 6Ketharil
this is really good. I like the last line especially.

5/9/2002 c1 1Dances With Fire
That's really good! It even makes sense; my poems sure don't! lol I really do like this poem though.
5/4/2002 c1 Jassmine Black
like i said, great poems. put more up!
4/20/2002 c1 Hikage Ninja
Ok...well concerning RAD (Race Against Darkness) it's done, and over with. Check out the last chapters of it.

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