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10/16/2016 c30 ThatsWhatSheZed
Since Devons out of the picture, it really makes the story lose its plot. But hey, this is only based on the summary you posted.
2/1/2015 c15 8ite Chomp Glomp
Okay I get that this story is already finished and whatnot, but I HAVE to review on Sophie's stupidity. I like that she's not perfect or anything, but I also like the fact that she's not stupid (most of the time). Anyways, I just thought it'd be really nice if Sophie just got over Devon and ended up with no one. It'd suit everyone because if you hook up with someone in high school, it is REALLY REALLY unlikely that they would ever stay together throughout college. Even if they stay together, they'll meet new people who they might want to spend their time with. It would leave who Sophie would end up with to the reader's imagination. Although I personally like Ryan, I would be fine if she doesn't end up with him. BUT. There was a line where Sophie said she didn't feel anything with him. I digress that statement. Probably because I have innate desire to meet someone like Ryan in my life but whatever. If I could spend an entire day with someone (Ashton, Ryan) and not be sick of them, I would marry that person immediately. I don't really know the point of this review, but I kinda like where it's going. I just wanted to let you know that.
1/3/2015 c28 lilcarellijohn
Why not Ashton
4/14/2014 c29 2Neverland.dream
Okay. I love thus chapter. I actually cried when I realized it was Ashton. (I knew it was him from the start by the way) wahhhh. Why do you do this to me?
4/14/2014 c26 Neverland.dream
Hey! So yeah. I know that you probably wrote this a million years ago but I w just want to say that I like your story very much. Although I really do hate you. Why did Marsha have to come back? :(((((( I was so shipping Ashton and Sophie. It sucks. Big time. But whatevs. I hope you they break up and Ashton gets together with Sophie. Hihi! :)

1/27/2014 c12 Guest
I love it!1
1/27/2014 c3 Guest
12/31/2013 c11 Guest
Type your review for this chapter here...
12/14/2013 c2 1leavesfallingup
Ryan seems like a down-to-earth, intelligent and considerate guy... so why should Sophie go out with the stupid, self-centered playboy instead of him?

Will there be a love-triangle or is Ryan just the foil in the story?
12/14/2013 c1 leavesfallingup
Full-frontal hotness? That kid needs some help.
9/25/2013 c6 Guest
Umm why would Sophie do that. She could go to the bathroom after lunch
8/25/2013 c20 dels
fCUk yeah Ashton
6/26/2013 c22 Guest
DUDE! It is so obvious that Ashton is more liked than Devon, for good reason, sooo let Ashton and Sophie be together. Pleeeeeeeeeaaase
6/26/2013 c20 Secrets
Breigh did something to Sophie and Devon saw it! Right?
6/26/2013 c15 Secrets
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