Just In
for For No One; But Everyone

8/20/2002 c1 55Fire of the Vampire
This is really good. You're a really good poet! Keep up the great work!

God Bless

Much Love

Later Daze

- Kacie
7/31/2002 c1 24Vilestar
yawn, but not about your poem, it was good.
5/28/2002 c1 79SpilledInk
Great writing, as always. It's me, frozenwaterfall...thanks for the great reviews!

+SpiLLeD InK+


5/2/2002 c1 18Slayer0
'I will be perfect

Just wait on me'

good good
4/26/2002 c1 Rini
very good, as always. Your poems are great ^^
4/25/2002 c1 Marie10
You're very talented. I love your poem!
4/24/2002 c1 11waterprincess
Very Good

I love your poems u always get sooooo deep

I could never do that


4/21/2002 c1 41WalkingOnWater
oh wow! THIS WAS SOO COOL! hey, where've you been? i know i know, i'm kind of getting into my DBZ stuff, but i have some new poems to upload, you'll have plenty to read from me here real soon, promise! KEEP WRITING!
4/19/2002 c1 1Damien Buck
Wow... I really like it. I can pretty much relate to it. Hell... My friends are yelling at me cause I'm depressed. Damn them. It's like they never listen or really understand. That's what the poem's about right? I'm not very good at understanding poetry. I just write it. So as I was saying before I went off mumbling about stuff. Great poem!

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