8/27/2011 c8 anonymous
Please upload the next chapter, I would realy like to know what happens between Monty, Caleb, and Gabe!
Please upload the next chapter, I would realy like to know what happens between Monty, Caleb, and Gabe!
11/9/2009 c8 StangenBaer
Why do I always get the amazing stories that will most probably never get updated, ever...
I'm kind of really depressed over that, but otherwise, this story is amazing...
But there seems to be a glitch in one of the previous chapters, because only a tiny part comes up, and from that most of the stuff has these signs in them. (it was one of the important chapters, so I was confused for a bit until I did my best with stringing together the pieces...)
Why do I always get the amazing stories that will most probably never get updated, ever...
I'm kind of really depressed over that, but otherwise, this story is amazing...
But there seems to be a glitch in one of the previous chapters, because only a tiny part comes up, and from that most of the stuff has these signs in them. (it was one of the important chapters, so I was confused for a bit until I did my best with stringing together the pieces...)
6/27/2006 c7
1jive maxwell
Gasp! The deplorable Monty! Of course, it's out of the question for him right now to simply accept that his friend is gay and they can still be friends. As if picking on Gabe is going to make Caleb straight. Yep, I'm totally into this story. More, more, more! Give it to me, oh yes! YES! I'm totally faking it. Well, maybe I am. Love love love love love! Drop and give me twenty more chapters! Please!

Gasp! The deplorable Monty! Of course, it's out of the question for him right now to simply accept that his friend is gay and they can still be friends. As if picking on Gabe is going to make Caleb straight. Yep, I'm totally into this story. More, more, more! Give it to me, oh yes! YES! I'm totally faking it. Well, maybe I am. Love love love love love! Drop and give me twenty more chapters! Please!
6/27/2006 c3 jive maxwell
This is an interesting story. Caleb seems to be a fairly independent character. His life is so different from Gabe's; Gabe's lucky, but I think Caleb is getting the better end of the bargain. And I was wondering how Gabe pulled off breasts while cross-dressing in Chapter Three? It doesn't say...
This is an interesting story. Caleb seems to be a fairly independent character. His life is so different from Gabe's; Gabe's lucky, but I think Caleb is getting the better end of the bargain. And I was wondering how Gabe pulled off breasts while cross-dressing in Chapter Three? It doesn't say...
4/28/2006 c4 Lu
WHAT'S HAPPENED TO CHAPTER 4!Lol, it's only about 10 lines long, and if I skip onto chapter 5 I don't understand what's going on! No!BTW I am loving it, but I want to know what happens!If you can fix it I will be most appreciative!Thanks Lu x
WHAT'S HAPPENED TO CHAPTER 4!Lol, it's only about 10 lines long, and if I skip onto chapter 5 I don't understand what's going on! No!BTW I am loving it, but I want to know what happens!If you can fix it I will be most appreciative!Thanks Lu x
11/18/2005 c8
10Hell's first Icicle
so...judging by the last time u posted...i taka it...ur not gonna...update? *breaks down and sobs* and u just HAD to leave it on a cliffie, didn u? *sniffs*

so...judging by the last time u posted...i taka it...ur not gonna...update? *breaks down and sobs* and u just HAD to leave it on a cliffie, didn u? *sniffs*
11/13/2005 c3 myMorningStar
As a longtime practicing Anarchist myself, and a complete and total slash addict, I decided to check this out... I went to the reviews first, though, because I wanted to see how many people had flamed your story and if it was even worth my time.
However, once I actually started reading your story, I began to agree. somewhat, with the flames by Mike Jackson and, to a much lesser degree, Shanny.
The thing I really disliked, however, is the way you handled them- To a certain extent, they were true.
Like, the sterotypical bit: I doubt you can even write a story without making a goth be sterotypical, because, quite frankly, that's what they are. Black clothes with black eyeliner and lipstick and random variations upon that, either a hyper, happy-go-lucky view or a deep, dark and depressed one. It's just the way the world works, there's not much originality left for the taking (though I did take a bit of offense about that Satan worshipping thing- for quite a long time I considered joining the Church of Satan, seeing as how my politics and their theological views basically match. Not only have I never claimed Goth Status, I have never even met a goth who's a member of the church, let alone is so crazy as to actually worship him. Though now that I think about it, you were probably just describing what other people sterotype goths as... But as I am 'other people' I guess you were wrong... And right at the same time, but screw this, I digress). But Gabe's not really a goth, is he, because to my knowledge (and I admit, on this subject it is rather small), he doesn't really wear the neo-goth ensemble all the time, does he? I mean, with the Clash t-shirt and jeans and everything.
That Anarchy thing. To me, I think that your li'l Anarchist is a tad blatant and the mainstream ideal. When I was in school, not only did I share my politics and debated over them with others, I never got my ass kicked, and I never bothered to go around spray painting random things with Anarchy signs and the like. You say that the stereotype is the bomber, the terrorist, or, at least, that's how others see them, but your character might as well be on his way to the same delinquency as those two above categories. Of course, not saying for sure, but, to me, at least, they go along together... And I was heartily surprised that Caleb didn't even know about 'Civil Disobedience'. I thought he was such a hardcore Anarchist...?
Also, a random note, but I think that, when you were responding to Shanny's flame, you meant fascistic, not just plain fascist, but I don't know much about grammatical structure and all that. But then again, I don't even see why you used that particular word, as I hadn't found her at all controlling and she had absolutely no power over me or my beliefs whatsoever. Besides, everyone has the right to an opinion.
And, I just noticed, but why is it that Gabe just automatically insinuates that Caleb is gay? Did they have some random conversation you just didn't write and Gabe wasn't really assuming? Because I had plenty of friends akin to Caleb, and they were very much not homosexual.
On a semi-lighter note... I'm kind of disappointed that Anarchy didn't play a bigger part in the story (though, so far, I've only read until about chapter 4, or so), seeing as to what the name actually IS...
Well, I guess I'm finished.
Ta-ta, and drop me a line sometime if you ever read this or something...
As a longtime practicing Anarchist myself, and a complete and total slash addict, I decided to check this out... I went to the reviews first, though, because I wanted to see how many people had flamed your story and if it was even worth my time.
However, once I actually started reading your story, I began to agree. somewhat, with the flames by Mike Jackson and, to a much lesser degree, Shanny.
The thing I really disliked, however, is the way you handled them- To a certain extent, they were true.
Like, the sterotypical bit: I doubt you can even write a story without making a goth be sterotypical, because, quite frankly, that's what they are. Black clothes with black eyeliner and lipstick and random variations upon that, either a hyper, happy-go-lucky view or a deep, dark and depressed one. It's just the way the world works, there's not much originality left for the taking (though I did take a bit of offense about that Satan worshipping thing- for quite a long time I considered joining the Church of Satan, seeing as how my politics and their theological views basically match. Not only have I never claimed Goth Status, I have never even met a goth who's a member of the church, let alone is so crazy as to actually worship him. Though now that I think about it, you were probably just describing what other people sterotype goths as... But as I am 'other people' I guess you were wrong... And right at the same time, but screw this, I digress). But Gabe's not really a goth, is he, because to my knowledge (and I admit, on this subject it is rather small), he doesn't really wear the neo-goth ensemble all the time, does he? I mean, with the Clash t-shirt and jeans and everything.
That Anarchy thing. To me, I think that your li'l Anarchist is a tad blatant and the mainstream ideal. When I was in school, not only did I share my politics and debated over them with others, I never got my ass kicked, and I never bothered to go around spray painting random things with Anarchy signs and the like. You say that the stereotype is the bomber, the terrorist, or, at least, that's how others see them, but your character might as well be on his way to the same delinquency as those two above categories. Of course, not saying for sure, but, to me, at least, they go along together... And I was heartily surprised that Caleb didn't even know about 'Civil Disobedience'. I thought he was such a hardcore Anarchist...?
Also, a random note, but I think that, when you were responding to Shanny's flame, you meant fascistic, not just plain fascist, but I don't know much about grammatical structure and all that. But then again, I don't even see why you used that particular word, as I hadn't found her at all controlling and she had absolutely no power over me or my beliefs whatsoever. Besides, everyone has the right to an opinion.
And, I just noticed, but why is it that Gabe just automatically insinuates that Caleb is gay? Did they have some random conversation you just didn't write and Gabe wasn't really assuming? Because I had plenty of friends akin to Caleb, and they were very much not homosexual.
On a semi-lighter note... I'm kind of disappointed that Anarchy didn't play a bigger part in the story (though, so far, I've only read until about chapter 4, or so), seeing as to what the name actually IS...
Well, I guess I'm finished.
Ta-ta, and drop me a line sometime if you ever read this or something...
5/31/2005 c8 jojo
i really love this story cant wait for more! please update soon.
peace out,
i really love this story cant wait for more! please update soon.
peace out,
5/30/2005 c8
3Ballerina with a Gun
Bad Monty! I absolutely adore Gabe...and this story...please update soon!

Bad Monty! I absolutely adore Gabe...and this story...please update soon!
1/12/2005 c8
2Forever Frost
This is really good, your style is very fluid and easy to read, the characters are all very likeable...well except for Monty, but I guess you meant for it to be that way, right? Anyways, I can't wait to find out what happens to Caleb and Gabe so please continue :)

This is really good, your style is very fluid and easy to read, the characters are all very likeable...well except for Monty, but I guess you meant for it to be that way, right? Anyways, I can't wait to find out what happens to Caleb and Gabe so please continue :)
11/28/2004 c8
1Senya Starseeker
I really like your story, it's very well written and the characters are definitely believable but also very likeable. I enjoyed reading it and hope that you continue. You clearly have a lot of talent as a writer.

I really like your story, it's very well written and the characters are definitely believable but also very likeable. I enjoyed reading it and hope that you continue. You clearly have a lot of talent as a writer.