Just In
for Testimony of Winter Nights

3/4/2004 c1 17invisiblebob
You have a wonderful way with words, but the story seems to be lacking something... I don't know... maybe purpose? I got the same impression when I read Dead Man Walking and Origins. They don't show your full...passion I guess. Elysium on the other hand seemed to really grab your attention; it didn't just seem to be a random idea. I don't know. You're an awesome writer though.
8/6/2003 c1 Just Wolf
very - i loved the ending and you developed the characters really well.
3/15/2003 c1 Lunar Mystic
I love your writing style-it's wonderful. Everything's near perfect, save for a single typo/spelling mistake. In the 4th to last paragraph, it says he "prided the door open"-did you mean "pried the door open?"

Other than that, your story's great-and you have incredible word usage! :)

2/24/2003 c1 6April2
Aw, you know, you really should write more about them, Dru. Not that I'm biased or anything. :]
6/6/2002 c1 2Woman of the Dunedain
Obviously Kenneth is human, yes?

This is very well written. You should expand on it!
5/23/2002 c1 2Kro
Ooooh! All of your writing is superb! A total change of pace from some of your other stories. This was nice, just a brief glimpse into their world.

Warm, poetic, and quite sweet.
4/28/2002 c1 30BurbleLikeMe
lots of nice detail, very sweet story. :)

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