Just In
for I Like Cheese!

5/19/2002 c4 IvyLove
I love this chapter!(4) It is sooooo great! I love the flamoose

thing(I dont have the patience to spell it the way you do)! You are a

great writer!
5/19/2002 c3 IvyLove
I Adore the Big Freak'n moose story, but if you want my real true opinion I

kinda thought that the rest of the chapter(3) was kinda...well...boring. No

offense I love the idea and the characters but...well...you wanted feed back

5/19/2002 c1 8Cinnabar Scarlett
Cause the friend Aaron is based on was born in October, and I (Amy, though she's a girl and lives in Japana and has a brother) was born in November. This story was originally created for the amusement of my friends... they wanted me to put them ALL in it... but you don't have to know them to understand it! Um... my parents (in the story) probably do know, and Aaron is probably just stuck on thinking that his birthday is in October, not in November. That's why. So in I Like Cheese! my parents are just sort of... humoring him. Yeah. Thanx for reading!
5/18/2002 c2 IvyLove
Totally great. I have a question: how could thay not know when their birthday

5/18/2002 c1 IvyLove
I love your story. It is completly cool! You Totally need to keep going on

this. I want to know what happens! You hooked me! Good job.
5/11/2002 c5 Kaeru Shisho
Cute chapter... I KNOW who some of the teachers are parodied after. Shall I say? Well,then...

that's a secret!
5/8/2002 c2 fantasyfreak
I like lain too! I blush too uch too! Mabe this could be me! Oh, no! I like it more and more...got to go now!
5/8/2002 c1 fantasyfreak
I like this almost as much as the Erune story. I'm still looking for the plot...or maybe it' a funny journal type thing? i'll read more and see...
5/4/2002 c4 fangs
Its so cute. write more
5/2/2002 c3 Cinnabar Scarlett
(A Note from the Author): Just a minor note: I am AMY (in the story, but that's not my name. other than that, it is me). I have no brother named Aaron. The voice is not ME, it is my CHARACTER. I am not saying that I can wrte well, the CHARACTER is saying that HE can because HE thinks HE can write well not ME (the author). and, those paragraphs aren't pointless, because the point of this story is the journal of my fictional brother. it is his voice, and it is talking about what is happening. it also is character development. later on, it gets more like a story. but now, its building up the character of Aaron, so you know him. But other than that, thanx for reading my story!
5/2/2002 c3 9nova2

I don't know what to tell ya

But I WAS impressed by your vocabulary. Hey, if you want to see some REALLY big vocabulary words, look at some of the things "Omni" has written. You'll know it when you see it. I've got links to his writing on my favorites.

You should try to cut out some of the more, well, ...pointless paragraphs... and just keep the ones that are talking about things that happened. The boy next to you, the boy in the hall, cameos of your family in your thoughts, the cat paragraph I enjoyed, but there were many, many paragraphs where you didn't say anything. It's my opinion that you should curtail these chapters to give us the action and the introspection, but not the real-life monotony in between.

I really liked how your sister and you have a room full of clocks, but most don't work. You could work that into some really deep thoughts. Good luck!
5/1/2002 c2 fantasyfreak
I just love your other story so i thought while waiting- like forever! hint hint- for the next chapters to come out...I'd read this. It's so funny. I like cheese too so I bet I'll like this guy like i do Eruune. Are you Aaron or Amy? MORE!
4/29/2002 c2 chibicheese gal 3964
I knew you'd put it up if i bugged you enough! Cute story though. I just can't wait until you get to the cool characters! Cheese forever, man!
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