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for Speak not a word

7/2/2004 c1 9sheza
wow! this has got to be the sweetest love poems i have read...in my entire life! Stupendous work!
9/10/2003 c1 33EnigmaticToast
Hi there! You reviewed my poem "The Girl You Did Not Notice" a while ago, and I wanted to read your stuff. This poem is beyond description, the only word that comes to mind is: awesome. I love the way you write, I can only hope to write as well as you. You're going on my favorite authors list! =)
6/24/2002 c1 Ellen
So sweet and sad, I like it because it's wistful and pining yet not teenybopperish like most of the love poem out there.

Wonderul final line.
5/30/2002 c1 16Voodoo Fyrefly
Fantastic poetry. It's absolutely beautiful (teardrops)
5/19/2002 c1 14reveileb maerdyad
you're one heck of a poet! it fascinates me the way you play with words...really, really good!
5/17/2002 c1 Tricia-sama
Hauntingly beautiful.
5/7/2002 c1 16tash
Wooo hooo ... You can actually write something remotely sweet and I love it!
5/5/2002 c1 8Infinitybliss
Wow, you are a ridiculously talented poet! I love this poem, and I feel sorry for the person that's in love with the person that;s in love with soemone else!
5/4/2002 c1 Lauran
Simple yet probably the most wonderfully SWEET poem I've ever read. The first and last stanzas were especially tragic and lovely.
5/4/2002 c1 Sundered heart
Brilliant as expected.Though having read this once before im still greatly impressed by it all.A little simpler then your others perhaps(or is it just me) but that seems to add strength to the emotions conveyed.

Like always, the last stanzas impressed me the most ending it off beautifully.

One small complaint though...:You should write more often!
5/2/2002 c1 43Carter Tachikawa
Beautiful! I haven't read anything by you in a long time and I'm glad to see some new poetry. Sweet, simple, and absolutely lovely. Please write some more.~CT
5/1/2002 c1 Jenzy
magnificently sweet. i like the suspense building upon itself during the first few stanzas. it makes one wonder what is being spoken about, but my favorite part is third stanza. *sighs* i love your writing. it gives me a floating feeling. :)
5/1/2002 c1 1Raining
Very nice! The first stanza seems rather Sylvia Plath-ish, and the repetition of the 3 lines at the last stanza is most effective. Quietly compelling with a tone of vulnerability. Very nice.

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