Just In
for The Masked Man

12/23/2004 c10 odisse
Hello. Love the story. plz up-date soon. thanks.
10/15/2003 c2 Lord Iceberg
Great story so far! I love it! The idea is really good, and I don't get bored with it! The "X hours left" is a suspenseful touch.

I can't find anything to criticise you on, except for a small grammatical error. It occurrs when Tad is talking to Damien. An opening speech mark is ALWAYS followed by a capital letter. ALWAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS.

By the way, remember me? I'm Lord Iceberg, the author of "The Spire Of Serenon" which you reviewed. I accessed your bio, and decided I'd read one of your stories. I've only read two chapters of this one today, I'll read some more later.

Note: The Spire Of Serenon has been updated, in case you're interested.
7/29/2003 c6 1HyperFalcon
WOW. Intrigue, treachery...

This is good, suspenseful writing. I'd definitely like to see how this turns out.

7/10/2003 c6 angela-odisse
hey luv the fic/ this chapter plz up-date soon any way see ya later. up-date up-date up-date. hehehe
6/25/2003 c5 38Fate Thirteen
Groovy stuff! I really liked it, and Damian's very mysterious - I guess he can use magic, then...? I hope you update this, even though you haven't in a long time...

10/31/2002 c2 1Animalia
Interesting storyline, nothing like I've ever read before.

Worth continuing, I believe.
10/27/2002 c2 1PhOeNiX02
Interesting story so far. Update soon! Also, thanks for reviewing my story! =)

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