Just In
for Surpassing Time

5/6/2004 c10 1Ri of OnYGiRRi
Hey, this is cute! ^_^ Please go on!
11/25/2003 c10 6Malfunctioned
You must continue! Pwease?
8/15/2003 c10 13Mayotan
WAI no wonder I couldn't find it, you changed your nick Silent-chan! Wait wait, it's -looks- Raine-chan now ! ^_^ Good as ever again! Yay update!

~L(who used to be babyg @_@ )
8/10/2003 c10 etherealangel
hahahah tho it took you months to put out this chapter! the sanitary napkin scene was worth it! and taka's not reverted into ryu? ahh wat will rui's brother do when he finds out rui's alone with this guy who will probably be hitting on her soon!
8/4/2003 c10 babyell
Wai...First, Silent Rain, Then, Rain's Whisper, now,K.S Raine?Will you ever not change your name? -_-++Oh well, don't mind...AS LONG AS THIS WILL BE AS GOOD(OR BETTER THAN For My Maiden)Which reminds me;thanx cuz because restoring my faith in straight pairings.Gotta go:)
8/3/2003 c10 2Kesaru2.0
you've a neck for it kid. the story was great. keep up the good work. please read a few of mine. please
3/30/2003 c9 Bloodreaver Alpha
Update soon.
3/23/2003 c9 13Mayotan
Wow, me like! I haven't read it for so long gyah! *looks at update date, pokes silent chan* UPDATE !
2/28/2003 c9 5Christy Marie23
Wai I luv this almost as much as I loved your other story! I'm way behind though. I just checked back on For My Maiden today, finished that then I came to read this. Took me an hour but this is really good idea. ^-^ I'm currently working on my own three part series and I was wondering if you would like to read the first chapter 'fore I put it up here. Tell me if you'd like to cuz then I'd atleast have someone who would be looking forward to it and I can accually be inspired to write more of it. =P erm. ok I'll leave. oh wait! I'd love to se a sequel to For My Maiden but only if you feel like writing it and after you finish whatever else you're working on. Heheh I'll be back. Ja ne!
2/8/2003 c9 bubblesD
=D !
2/7/2003 c9 etherealangel
OMG! i just realized something..could ryu, taka, and tomo all be part of Ryu the demon who is now possessing Taka? then maybe i might be mistaken! hehe..so funny of ryu the brother to entrust his sister to taka who is like possesed by the spirit of Ryu the demon and the lover of haruna..who is Rui..can't wait for the next chapter! i love how u call each chapter a scroll and how u began each scroll and end each scroll with the same line in each scroll!
2/7/2003 c8 etherealangel
hehe..u kno how ryu was telling taka to hurry up and get with rui..and that wen someone else gets her first, then don't come crying to him! could it be tomo who will get her first? and i love the little poem in the beginning! hey..did rui go under a trance when tomo kissed her? OMG! does haruna/rui like him too? hmmm...who took taka's clothes off?
2/7/2003 c7 etherealangel
RYU'S A DEMON! RYU'S A DEMON! RYU'S A DEMON! RYU'S A DEMON! RYU'S A DEMON! RYU'S A DEMON! hehe..he seems so serious in the flashbacks but when he's in Taka and annoying the heck out of him..he seems so carefree and funny!
2/4/2003 c9 8Yule
Wow! That was a gooooood chapter! Er... may I ask a question? What do you mean by 'Kami'? Do you mean 'god'? If it is, it shouldn't be 'Kami'. It should be 'Kamisama'. 'Kami' and 'Kamisama' are two different meanings, you know? 'Kami' means paper/ hair/ delicious taste/ top/head/upper parts...all depending on the kanji words the japanese used. Just to let you know...^_~
1/31/2003 c9 babyell
This story is the sequel to For My Maiden,rite?I'm going to add this in my fav.stories too.KEEP UPDATING OR ELSE!jUST KIDDING.Where's Rhyne?And Sai...(In the flashbacks I mean, cuz its a bit confusing..)And Tomo is the reincarnation of Rhyne's ex-fiancee rite?
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