Just In
for Inner Beauty

6/1/2002 c1 Roreoreo
OOhhh. So sad, but i hear were you are coming from.

YOU are quite a poet, Beckie. No joke intended.

Keep it up.
5/31/2002 c1 3Alyson Grant
I've still to really discover mine.

*Beautiful* poem.

Alyson Grant @)-
5/31/2002 c1 12wishin on lonely stars
I know just how you feel! I used to feel fat and ugly but then this boy Sean just so happened to tell me he thought I was really pretty on one of the days I was feeling down and now we are best friends and don't feel ugly just a little over weight around those really skinny girls(no afence to anyone)
5/31/2002 c1 Fatty please
That was gay. Who cares about being beautiful on the inside? No one can see it underneath your ugly face and fat body, unless they themselves are the same way. Why do you think there are still a bunch of people out there that are in fact FAT and UGLY? Stop the pain already "people", and go kill yourselves!

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