Just In
for If I became the song?

12/25/2002 c1 Utopia
Downright beautiful. Now, if only someone wrote a love letter like that to me.
12/25/2002 c1 14devillovesclassical
i see you have far from lost your gift scarred one (ignore the mage talk, too much fanasy books). i think you have gone ahead of me in this area ;)
9/13/2002 c1 pearlynn
Beautiful - Stunning -Sad.

I keep thinking of warm fireplaces when I read this, and achy hearts. You weaved in the best part of the lyrics so perfectly, and this poem touched me greatly..kinda reminded me of the time I really loved someone but was contented with him loving someone else. (runs away and cries)
8/26/2002 c1 aes sedai -ani k.-not signed in
scarr...there's so much beauty in every line of this poem. aching, passionate...and that last line. "and because it is full of her and not me"...damn, that struck somewhere deep in me...man, ahh i feel all sweet and tired and sad inside. ...this is great.
8/18/2002 c1 Permelle
Absolutely astounding. Words fail me when i try to describe how sad and pretty it is.
8/7/2002 c1 29Katterree Fengari
Oo...interesting..."moontears" I'm gonna remember that
7/18/2002 c1 15Chen-Too
Beautifully written, you have a gift with words!
7/15/2002 c1 16Voodoo Fyrefly
*Is completely struck dumb*

Wow...this is absolutely beautiful...

The imagery is top notch, so unique...

7/14/2002 c1 jenzy yes lovely little nickname. don't you agree
aside from elton john's pieces presented in [the lion king] and a few selected others, i am familiar not with his songs. sad, indeed. but i must say that your poem - though some other one might see it as only words - is intricately pieced together to form a complete puzzle describing my feelings nowadays. he is there, yet i cannot reach him for the glass between us will remain...always. ethereal job, dear.
7/13/2002 c1 Carter Tachikawa-not logged in
Thank goodness FFN is working again or I'd have missed this incredible poem. I loved Elton JOhn's "Your Song" and I think it goes well with your poem. Excellent, please keep writing more.~CT

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