Just In
for Losing Myself

8/7/2005 c1 12eledriel
I like the theme, but it isn't really a haiku. Also, there's a tense shift...sort of...Anyway, there's something horribly awry with your verbs.
11/3/2002 c1 sylentvoice
i like it... coz i have written some stuff... not exactly haikus... on the same basis... i love the parable of winning and losing and falling all for love.
8/30/2002 c1 12Aries28
A fantastic victory turned into a crushing deafeat in mere seconds. Ah, the wonders of the human mind, that it can play such tricks . . .
7/21/2002 c1 12tanya
very nice...very true..(sob sob).but dont worry ull never find out who the guy is..he serves as an inspiration no doubt ;-)
7/19/2002 c1 48Sun Chime
Whoohoo! I had read this... but i love it more and more every time I read it.

Hey, did you see my haiku came in ano line? Damn... I'll have to re upload.
7/17/2002 c1 6Curtis J. Perry
Good description of the type of person who regrets that he/she must give as well as take. Great work!
7/17/2002 c1 98hurtmushroom
love it, great work

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