2/19/2006 c1 871no.peace.los.angeles
Favorite line: "And my, my, what great shame you have." Wonderful. Just gives it this whole bitter you should be ashamed of yourself feeling. Keep writing! :)
Favorite line: "And my, my, what great shame you have." Wonderful. Just gives it this whole bitter you should be ashamed of yourself feeling. Keep writing! :)
7/29/2002 c1 294Newkirk's Heroes
Wow! I really, really liked this! It was so well written, and so original as well! I read it a few times...it was very, very good. Nice work!
Wow! I really, really liked this! It was so well written, and so original as well! I read it a few times...it was very, very good. Nice work!
7/18/2002 c1 6Curtis J. Perry
Awesome, awesome, beautiful. My new fav. when it comes to emotional poetry.. You goin' on my fav authors list!
Awesome, awesome, beautiful. My new fav. when it comes to emotional poetry.. You goin' on my fav authors list!