Just In
for Candy

11/6/2002 c1 me
I'm not sure if that review was meant to be taken as criticism or comical but I chose the latter. I mean, the review just broke my heart .. I think I may cry. haha.

11/5/2002 c1 Gen
Um, no offense but you really can't write. I read a few Buffy stories of yours also. Please don't post on ffnet anymore! It's bad for our eyes!
7/29/2002 c1 2Wicked Drummer Girl
mmmmmmmmmmmmm... candy... *drools*...

Good poem
7/22/2002 c1 Michi
I actually really like this poem. lol =)
7/21/2002 c1 6Curtis J. Perry
I enjoyed it. Muahahah..*cough*..*weeze*..hahheeheeho..

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