Just In
for In The Tiger's Mouth

11/2/2002 c27 Carolyn Jeannette
Amazing as usual. What on earth will they do? ooh...It was amazing. When's the next chapter coming?
11/1/2002 c27 Plateado
It's getting all the more exciting! Whee-hee, and I think I have an idea as to why the IGI want Dallas and Calida..*smile*
11/1/2002 c27 6Gloria-Krasy
That's great!

I completely love that story, please, keep on writing it, I can't wait for the next chapter.

Splendid work!
11/1/2002 c27 hudsiyfiusnfsudi
welll...is it? continue please i love this chapter! on the bright side, they wouldn`t be seperated.
10/30/2002 c26 Delorfirith
Awesome story! When is the next chapter coming out?


10/27/2002 c26 1Bish
Great chapter! I like the twins a lot... hehe...

Well, hope you update soon!

10/25/2002 c26 Carolyn Jeannette
Yipee!another chapter. Just as splendid as the last 25. I love the twins. They're cool. No, they're better than cool they're awesome!
10/25/2002 c26 hudsiyfiusnfsudi
cliffhanger, cruil one at that. does IGI get them? what about Calida? she could get them out of it right? update soon pleeeeeeease!
10/23/2002 c25 Carolyn Jeannette
omi gosh, It's incredible! oooohhhhhh...Now I can't wait until I read the next chapters.
10/21/2002 c25 hudsiyfiusnfsudi
oh update soon! i love it so far and i really like dallas! well, great story.
10/20/2002 c25 Bish
Oooh, what's gonna happen to Calida and Dallas? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Please update quick!

10/11/2002 c24 Bish
This story is going GREAT! It's superb, it's wonderful, its...

I love it, and i can't wait for more!

10/9/2002 c24 hudsiyfiusnfsudi
makes sense. great so far, pleeeease update soon! can`t wait to see what happens.
10/8/2002 c23 hudsiyfiusnfsudi
hee hee hee. she is very resorsful isn`t she? oh please update soon! i can`t wait to see what happens!
10/7/2002 c22 Plateado
whee-hoo! Awesome! You gotta post the next chapter! What the heck is going on here! I gotta know, gotta know!
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