Just In
for In The Tiger's Mouth

9/7/2002 c11 1Bish
This story just gets better and better!

keep writing!

p.s- I've just posted a new chapter!

9/6/2002 c1 Bish
This story is really good! I'm hooked! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Also, thanks for reviewing my story! and thanks for your suggestions. :-)

8/26/2002 c4 4Plateado
Where're the other reviews? What is up with the world..they don't know what they're missing...!
8/10/2002 c6 Plateado
Hey again! Now I'm really interested in this. Sounds like something I would indefinately pick up off of a library shelf. (Does that even make sense? lol!) Anyway, keep writing it, and thanks for that review. Later!
7/28/2002 c5 Plateado
Hey, this is very interesting! Well written too. keep it up; I want to know what happens next. Later!

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