Just In
for Dark Envy

9/7/2002 c4 Writerofascientist
This is rather cool...keep writing please!
9/4/2002 c4 10starsprinkles9604
Wow...this is almost soap operaish but without the cheesy drama. I'm luvin it! it's sucha creepy thing really...someone stealing your life. THat makes it even better cause its not really a bad creepy...if you can even understand that...anyway...coolios on the chap! This story is on my favs!
9/1/2002 c4 J. key
more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

*stops to catch breath*

more moremore more more more more more more more more

anyway this is REALLY good so please continue

~J. Key

p.s. spellcheck anyone?
8/31/2002 c4 21AnGeLiNdIsGuIsE2
this rocks!
8/30/2002 c4 34Aidlyn
yes! This is awesome! Thanks for updating! I totally love this story.
8/30/2002 c4 28Arayuldawen
great chapter. really, really good. man, u have to get the next chapter up as soon as possible:)

8/30/2002 c4 Lady angelily too Lazy too sign in
Oh my god! This is awsome, you have worked really hard on this and it is good. Write more and keep me up-dated. Great I loved the story. want more? what is the evil twins sister nexts plan.
8/30/2002 c4 16kaika switched
Another chapter well done. Please pardon my review of few words, but I look forward to another chapter soon!
8/28/2002 c2 5Ellen Enchanted
8/24/2002 c2 AngelAimee
oooooo...very creepy ^.~ you've kept everything interesting, the plot is so *friggin* good, and you're a very talented author. this story is great so far, and i bet it will only get better as you go! now, i'm off to read & review the next chapter!

Aniya (Aimee's muse, for those of you who don't know): wow, this is *good*! this is a great story so far, I hafta read chapter two now ^-^

Aimee: Oh, and I'm sorry for not being able to review earlier. I'm vacationing in Florida, and only just got to read this ^-^ as for my story, I'll definantly email you when the next chapter's done (probably tomorrow ^^)

~AngelAimee & Aniya
8/22/2002 c3 5Mousie2003
Wow! Nice story...I love how its totally far from the wimpy Mary-Kate/Ashley twins cr*p. Keep writing i want to read more and thanks for reviewing my stories.

8/21/2002 c3 28Arayuldawen
this is so good. You have to update as soon as possible:)

8/21/2002 c1 Arayuldawen
hehe, great so far, i only have time to review this chapter for now, so i'll read the rest later. Thanx for reviewing my stories. This a good one so far:)

8/20/2002 c3 MysticalStormz
love it!
8/18/2002 c3 Choco-Drops
ooooooohhhhhhh... evil aren't we? nice nice story. sorta umm... freaky. and umm... evil :) poor Nat.
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