Just In
for Princess

6/5/2007 c1 3Mathael Ikritiriax
awe! So cute!
7/12/2003 c1 2Jean Farwig
WOAH! This is great, sorta vignette-y. Good ending. I like the way you portrayed the 'prince'-I don't think I've ever seen a fic where the prince was the 'bad guy'. I'll have to look at your other stuff. Kudos!
6/17/2003 c1 1juliette12
i enjoyed it a lot- i love the perfect ballroom start, but yes, we all need a jolt into reality once in a while. tell me more about her dress! it sounded gorgeous! keep writing
8/11/2002 c1 4OlgaB
Really sweet and tender story... I loved the ending; it just says "I don't need you" to the fairytales' cliches. Great work :)

8/3/2002 c1 22Enmity
Awwwww, how sweet. I imagine this 'ball' is supposed to be prom, but I might be wrong.
8/2/2002 c1 19Aftertaste of a Razorblade
Mmmm. Cute.

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