Just In
for Poe House

3/1/2003 c2 Paige
Oh. Strange and Confusing.. but oh so interesting!
9/13/2002 c2 22Give Me Stitchez
O.O! y do ya have to leave me hangin like this! (its actually very affective really... ) come on! what does he see? i wanna kno! this story is so wierd, and i have a felling that i wont kno exactly whats goin on for a little while yet.. :S

i mean, it keeps switching back and forth... so the plot is still building. i REALLY love this story, and i hope u update really soon ^_^


ps- (i wouldnt mind if u uploaded 'some are born to sweet delight' soon either *wink, wink* ^_-)
9/4/2002 c1 Give Me Stitchez
thats sad! but its such a cool fic! ^_^ i luuurrrvvveee it! ^_^.. keep it up... this IS a work in progress, right? i hope so.. keep it going..

omg.. i cant belive this is based on a true story..

8/5/2002 c1 21Throw Me Away
Wow.. Thrilling, majestic.. I'd say it's one of your best works to date, Draco!

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