Just In
for The Saga of Eruune

12/26/2003 c4 11Rushifa
Well, I finally read what you have up! Go me! I still find it unspeakably entertaining to read about the characters I've seen you drawing. I love your use of poetry to move the characters from one thing to another. It's a beautiful way of conveying emotion and making the story feel just a little bit more like the story of a real place. I'm forever enthralled by your worlds mythology, ledgends, history, and everything else which you've woven together to create a very real place. I can't wait for the next chapter!
10/28/2003 c3 1Frog Lord
Great chapter, Lain! I got to see more of Columbine's character and perspectives, which is always good, cause Columbine's my favorite, anyhow!

One thing, tho... you killed the part with the Sphynx that you had in the "other" version. I thought that part was really good... I thought that it should have stayed... then again, the chapter was really long anyways...

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading! ^^

10/25/2003 c2 warnthepenguins
I'm thinking there's a reason you named your main char Columbine, eh?
10/19/2003 c49 Frog Lord
Luke! It was so good... *sniffle*

Lesse... where to begin... I really like how you put large amounts of effort into those poems (or at least it looks like it...^_^;). They were very creative, and by the end, they made sense! Wow!

Second! The characters! All of them were cool! I even liked Eruune and his whiney, bitchy, hyper self by the end! Columbine was my favorite, though...

Speaking of which, the ending! Is that really the end? (Of course it isn't... there's a Part I) But still! It's the cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers.

But now the bad things... I gotta do it sometime, ya know...

There were a couple of errors in grammer and all of that, but mostly, it was intentional, I understand. But some things were kinda... funky. You might wanna look your chapters over and edit out all of those, man...

But I'll end on a happy note! I loved it, Luke! It had thrills, chills... and... uh... spills. *coughhOTSPRINGScough* I can't wait until you write Part I!

Keep on truckn'! (Err... writing, I mean...)

7/29/2003 c45 11Takatome Ichido
Yeah, what? TELL ME?

Ach, this was so, so, so well-written! Possibly the best chapter yet! Ach, your details were so beautiful and minute and captivating! The spores to vines to veins to flowers to something that is LIKE something, SORT OF, but not. Ach, it was great!

And it made me so, so, so happy! I love reading really good work and (ERR!) this so completely qualifies! I mean, people should read this just for this chapter! Ach, it was good, really, really good!

Aku Soku Zan! - Keebs \^-^/
7/9/2003 c46 9Salios
hey, i've read both stories although i haven't posted, but...I LOVE IT! Seiriô and Eruûne make a really good team! At one point in time i kinda thought that Seiriô was a bisexual or a

gay! hope that the next chapter'll come soon so we can find out what happens!

(is there anywhere u have pix of them?)
6/22/2003 c46 10Pyro Freak
Well, everything is so confusing now! And poor Seiro...I'm sure he'll figure something out eventually.
6/21/2003 c45 Mikael Angelique
What? That's not a sufficient ending! Update the next chapter before we all go insane wondering what's gonna come up next!

Poor Seirio, so confused!

~Mikael Angelique 0=}
6/5/2003 c45 Pyro Freak
Oh, that was a bad cliffhanger! Sorry, I just meant that I couldn't wait to read what happens next. I have to admit, even though I read part 1 & 2, some things are still confusing. Since you left the last chapter in suspense, you better hurry and update soon...!
5/31/2003 c45 TheNosferatuLive
Hey, i love the new chapter... I would love it more if it didn't have a cliffhanger. jk. its fine as it is... the story is interestin so far. So... update soon and often!

5/27/2003 c44 11Takatome Ichido
Ack! Evil fatalism! *headache* It's starting to get to me. Why is everything so complicated? I get "why" in a sense but not really! I mean, I love the story, the character, the plots, the suspense, but sometimes it is too much, you know? It seems as though they are all just going around and around in circles. *gets a headache* It's really starting to get to me! Agh! *oo, headache* I'll go now.

Aku Soku Zan! - Keebler \@-@/;;
5/12/2003 c15 TheNosferatuLive
Uh... once again, i have something to say. In Toril, or the Forgotten realms world, Dark elves are also called drow. their body is just like what you described... I read too much (shut up Randy, you're bothering him!). sorry for this pointless review. Great story!
5/12/2003 c14 TheNosferatuLive
Sorry for not reviewing, but i figure, i'll only review when i have somehting to say! :) I realized, are Eruune and Lotus suppose to be one person? Sorry, i know it makes no sense, but i was just wondering.
4/23/2003 c42 Takatome Ichido
I think that I can kind of see how the first part seemed like you were having a little trouble; it seemed "dry" or something dumb like that. I can't use words today. \^^/;; After "watch out" it did get slowly more into a feel that you would have... tho I didn't like the weird depress-y thingie with Seirio. *shrug* It just didn't suit him. Ja ne, mi filos!

Aku Soku Zan! - Keebler \^-^/
2/24/2003 c41 Takatome Ichido
Twa hahahhah! That was good! But you should have done "why did the monkey/Columbine fall out of the tree?" "because he was DEAD!" So funny. So funny. Ja ne, mi filos!

Aku Soku Zan! - Keebler \^-^/
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