9/24/2002 c1 3Tiran
This is soo like what i am feeling.I relly like your writting style.The "choosing" of words is incredible.Overall It's a excellent poeme.
This is soo like what i am feeling.I relly like your writting style.The "choosing" of words is incredible.Overall It's a excellent poeme.
8/18/2002 c1 anotherfuctupkid
i thought that it was a terrific poem
i thought that it was a terrific poem
8/18/2002 c1 176DefianceIsMe
Awww its ok if you need someone to talk to you have a complete stranger here willing to be with ya. ^_^ I liked the poem short and sweet. It has feeling in it and that's what I like eventhough sometimes I don't portray it so well in my own writing. Well keep up the good work. ^_^
Awww its ok if you need someone to talk to you have a complete stranger here willing to be with ya. ^_^ I liked the poem short and sweet. It has feeling in it and that's what I like eventhough sometimes I don't portray it so well in my own writing. Well keep up the good work. ^_^