Just In
for Chesapeake Bay

10/5/2002 c21 1Yodes
Okay, slandering my character by making her a compulsive liar is fine with me *narrows eyes* unless you're hinting something dude, cos if you are- think about this... I KNOW WHERE YOU LIIIIVVVEEEE!

*grins innocently* so long as she's not TOTALLY based on me, I'm fine with it.

So, where's this going? What's gonna happen with Luke and everyone? Is there gonna be a big showdown when they get back? Are the band gonna become suddenly famous? Are they gonna get a groupie by the name of Janet who still thinks she's at Woodstock?

Update soon or I'll come to your house with a chucky doll my sister got bought. They told her it was a toy...
10/5/2002 c21 6talkingbanana
ack i missed reviewing a chapter! *looks down in shame*

ooooooh . . . story got deeper . . . and about the whole Dylan thing, I have one word: FINALLY! :-)
9/30/2002 c20 1Yodes
That was really cool Dude! Coming from one of your best friends, you know I'm being completely serious *grins broadly* Didn't you tell me that you were writing a sequal all ready?
9/29/2002 c20 Kazoo Into It
I LOVE THIS. I love it all. Oh gosh. It's WONDERFUL. You should seriously send this to a publisher... or something... um... yeah.

Anyway, fantastic fic. Tip: if you want more reviews, turn off the feature that says you won't accept anonymous reviews. Some people might want to review, but don't have accounts. Just a thought.

I hope to see the next chapter up soon!
9/17/2002 c19 6talkingbanana
yep, that cleared up the confusion. good job, and keep it comin'!
9/15/2002 c18 talkingbanana
yay! more!

whoa . . . Johanna just popped in out of nowhere! you better explain that one to me 'cause I'm mighty confused. but since you've explained everything that's come up so far, i'll just wait for the next chapter.
9/14/2002 c17 talkingbanana
*pounds desk and chants* more more more! :-)
9/14/2002 c1 5portoricankitten
this is a very interesting story so far...don't what will come of it next...i like that...
9/14/2002 c1 16kaika switched
Great first chapter, but I still have sixteen more to go! I wish I had time to read, but I'll be back to finish.
9/6/2002 c15 tygir
i don't understand the last part. what did dylan mean, and why didn't she kiss him?
9/5/2002 c14 tygir
its good. you post fast, im happy. i liked dillian from the beginning, hes my type of guy despite the fact that hes skinny. anyway good so far, im just at as too whats going to happen next
9/4/2002 c14 6talkingbanana
i'm enjoying seeing this story unfold. every chapter, a new twist. like this tent thing. keep it comin'!
9/3/2002 c13 talkingbanana
congratulations! you successfully made Luke look like a jerk. i think it's hard to make characters look completely rotten, but you've done it. good job. :-) keep the good stuff coming!

(i'm glad you like my name. lol...it's an inside joke from last year at lunch - we'd use a banana as a phone to talk to our imaginary friend Ralph. the banana doesn't actually talk, but talkingbanana sounds better than bananaphone...)
9/2/2002 c6 1midnight dreamer2
by football you mean soccer, right? poor Kit! i like your story
9/2/2002 c12 6talkingbanana
This story is very entertaining so far. Keep up the good work! I especially like the ending to this chapter. :-)
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