11/15/2002 c1 J
hey girl
ignore the stupid people this is absoulely amazing... any ho...you should become a write especially for that book you so totally wrote an approiate ending for...it's called Demon in my view...go check it out...
hey girl
ignore the stupid people this is absoulely amazing... any ho...you should become a write especially for that book you so totally wrote an approiate ending for...it's called Demon in my view...go check it out...
9/17/2002 c1 I'mnolongerhereatthisaccount
This is pretty good.A bit avrege ^^ but still nice.Could you maybe read and review mine and W.M's new novel "The Fruits of Humanity"?I woudl really apricate it if you could and keep writing.
This is pretty good.A bit avrege ^^ but still nice.Could you maybe read and review mine and W.M's new novel "The Fruits of Humanity"?I woudl really apricate it if you could and keep writing.