Just In
for It's Raining

4/28/2005 c1 29The-Unwanted-Puppy
Your right it is kinda depressing. I didn't know you had a thing on Fictionpress. Luckly I found it becaus Sara gave me her live journal thingy then I went to yours, then found out about this. Gah! that's alot.
9/13/2003 c1 20Ophelia Glace
I can't breath, the phrases fall like rain, the emotion sits on my chest like a lead weight.
5/19/2003 c1 Lady Oneko
A very good poem! Very moving. I wish I'd thought of some of those lines. Try writing mor poetry, I love it! Good luck! -Lady Oneko (wink wink)
9/27/2002 c1 18The Fallen Caryatid
Beautiful poem. I've read a similar one, called "Rain" by Sonrisa de Noche, I think. I like yours much better, though. It's so deep and beautiful...it makes me think of the first stars at twilight...or rain on a summer night...
9/14/2002 c1 30LittleMaggie
that was beautiful! You should publish it! It put tears in my eyes... just startling.
9/13/2002 c1 Not Quite Hell
This is a really good poem, it sums up how I often look at the world. Not only that, but you expressed it so well. Sorry I couldn't read your work earlier... the site was down on Sept. 11. At first glance the poem seems long, but it's really a good length.

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