Just In
for Colour Me In

6/1/2006 c38 23Helena Evangelist
Wow. It took me a while (I've been so busy) but I've finally finished this whole story. I have to say I've enjoyed ever moment of it. Nicely written, very realistic and the story line flows great. You're very talented.

-Miss Helena Black
5/6/2006 c1 delete this page 109231
a great story as alwaysi loved it
5/5/2006 c4 Helena Evangelist
ah! this story has me hooked. Have to keep reading! Nice chapter, by the way.

5/5/2006 c1 Helena Evangelist
Nice first chapter. Your writing is clear and makes it easy for you to imagine whats happening. Nice. Wow, this is long. On to the next chapter...you have me interested.

Thanks for the review,Miss Helena Black
10/8/2005 c1 14FireBringer
Finally found this again. I read the first few chapters once, a long time ago, fell in love with it, then promptly lost the link. ::scowls:: Damn memory and computer...Anyway, YAY. Found you again. So will read. And this time, i'm putting you immediately onto my faves, and so i will not lose you. ::bows:: Tata!
8/30/2004 c38 reciprocator
7/23/2004 c38 LazyDaze06
i'd like it if u did a sequel. if so, will u have more evo?
5/27/2004 c11 6Secretive
HE'S GAY? I can't believe I was that close to a chapter that explained why he was so (pardon me for saying it but it's the only word I can think of) secretive, and my computer broke down! Oh my Lord! He's playing for the other team! He's totally and completely unavaliable. Wow. Just, wow. I gotta keep reading! ^.~ You are a great writer, and that was totally surprising to me, you are a queen of the suspense! Unfortunately, this means both guys are kind of out of the race. (Suddenly your summary makes so much more sense...)^.^ I LOVE this story!
5/7/2004 c38 how do you delete accounts
It wasn't quite a proper ending though. I think you need another chapter.
5/7/2004 c5 MimiGhost
luv da fiicy
update soon
4/28/2004 c38 Michelle
finally! i think you should write a sequel. make a few months pass by in the story and then start a second thing. just write something eventually (when youre on a break from all youre dedicated work on ... um ...social studies)
4/26/2004 c38 Ren
They are gorgeous together! yay! i'm so glad they FINALLY got together. They're so cute! Is there more?
4/24/2004 c38 23IAmVulcanLady
Okay, well, I'm really happy she at least got the guy (and that Adam did, too ).
I liked that chapter! And no worries about the long wait...we're all busy anyways...
Write more soon! YAY!
4/22/2004 c38 Yodes
Holy s*! You actually updated!
And, yes, it was loads of talking that hardly made much sense at the end, but I kinda attributed it to the Vodka :P
And I would truly like to see you beat me up, it would be absolutely hilerious! *grins*
Anyway, is this one finished then?
Liked the chapter dude.
Me X
3/31/2004 c37 reciprocator
RECIPROCATE! update soon!
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