Just In
for Colour Me In

3/19/2004 c36 lilleo
wow, kool story its realy well written! when are you next updating?
2/28/2004 c37 Michelle
update soon please! 2 months (almost)!
2/23/2004 c37 3Parisa
dude hurry up and update already! i swear this must be my sixth time reading your fic already and i wanna know how it ends!that was an evil cliffhanger but yay smoochies! and reciprocate? duh. lol, at least she's stopped randomly snogging evo, wayne's world lookilike? ah well, to each their own. anyway this is gotta be short cause theres a lit essay with my name on it, *snort* until next time.
1/26/2004 c37 She of the Dark
yoohoo! exciting! and, i have to add, the misfits are PURE SEX ON A STICK. please update soon! the kiss! finally! it certainly took those two long enough, of course, adam certainly didn't help very much! naughty, cheeky, adam.
1/26/2004 c37 10Ferretti
Oh yeah, definitely reciprocate. So Kevin likes August... about time! Geez I thought you'd have her dancing around him until she died! Write more soon okay? And sorry I didn't review last chapter. I've just been busy.
1/10/2004 c37 Midnight Owl
Lol, that's the first time i've been right about something in a while. great chapter, i liked how they were both all pissy and stuff. it was fun to read. and they kissed... which is cool. very very cool. i'm excited to see what happens next! so update soon plz!
1/8/2004 c37 carrotress
its* good chapter btw...
1/8/2004 c37 how do you delete accounts
'Tis muy sweet. How do you get away with writing this without making it totally sickening? Well, whatever you do, you're good at it.
1/7/2004 c37 Michelle
whoho! you rock! and it wasnt all corny! i like thta you ended on the axe murderer n plan n recirocate thing, and it wasnt an evil ending. i think that if u had continued a bit it would have made for a bad chapter ending so who cares if its a cliffhanger
ya i told you jan5 and im reviewing jan7 but rest assured that your efforts to make my deadline were not useless because i did read it as soon as it was out. i was just had a hard time gettimg to review with homework and sports and tv lol. i hate extremely happy endings too, but i also hate extremely depressing endings (such as the movie dancer in dark's ending...depressing) just dont kill anyone please
hope u get around to writing something while at university (be CMI or veggies thing) bye
1/6/2004 c37 Yodes
Holy shit, there was smoochies! And you left it at that you evil sod! You don't do cliff-hangers! That's not fair!
Good chapter, mate.
*grins* Are you trying to tell me you can beat me up? lmao.
You do realise that since you've technically updated more times than me lately, you're making me feel really guilty and lazy, right?
Can't wait to see what happens next
1/5/2004 c37 Ren
Yay! finally! the moment i've been waiting for all along BUT you cut it off! Please update again REALLY SOON! You can't leave us hanging there!
that was great! I love how August is a little dense! Kev is so cute.. :)
1/5/2004 c37 lin
1/5/2004 c37 23IAmVulcanLady
Happy new year! Hope this one is as good as the last one!
Great chapter! OK, so I accept the fact now that August and Evo won't get together, but at least she got the guy! And it was the one she wanted, too! So, great writing, and I'd write more but english homework is calling my name! BYE!
1/1/2004 c1 10My Works 87
Just started your story and I'm totally hooked. You play out the boring, languid little ol' town perfectly. I feel August's need to leave and her disenchantment with the whole scene. And it's so interesting. I love the metaphors you use (like August's roller coaster comment about Livi) Her dry sarcasm is very much appreciated (for once). So without further ado, I'm heading to the next chapter!
12/31/2003 c36 Michelle
adam is a mysterious dude full of secrets, i wanna know whatll happen with his dad
i need to know whatll happen between august and keven! u said that u couldnt promise a quick update because this one wasnt quick but i think you should surprise us with another chapter before we start school ( or at least when i do, hint before jan5)
keep writing...constantly
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