Just In
for Nameless Compromise With Reality

10/26/2002 c5 15Apple Kinder
ur right, screw lange(however muuch i like him) aaron... Dru like...{drools}... This is the single most awsome thing...EVER! you must right more or else, gr! I love you and your wriotng lots. ^_^ ~Dru
10/24/2002 c5 Beth-sama Ping Mei
...Screw Dru. Keebs...YOU'RE mine new best friend. Oh yes, that's right. Bondage, guns, and sexy sexy guys named Dante. And y'know what I did when I saw that Beth had a Colt .45 long? Freaked out. I died too, but let's not get into that. But seriously, Kyani can back me up on this. ANYWAY...grand chappie, I love mine character! WOOOHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I loooooove her! And Dante. Let's not forget Dante. No, don't forget Dante. He'll be mine boytoy. Yeeeaaaah...(drool) Oh well. Do what you want with yourn story, 'cause no matter whatcha do, it's gonna ROOL! Love, Peace, and Ketchup! Trigun forever! ^_^ Peace!
10/21/2002 c5 Cinny-boy
Weee! that was great! Tho not as FUNNY as the other chapters, this was still great. Lotza people w/ steel eyes and red hair here, Keebler. Whuzzup w/ Aaron's boy-toy guy? ^-^ Too tired to think. That was really cool, and the funnyish fightish sceneish was really cool! You just write this so well, that it's kinda ironic how you're always talkinga bout this story being like random and stuff. or whatever. *can't think* That was cooooooooool! Did I mention taht you need to put up MORE CHAPTERS yet? Cuz if I didn't...


*eeee* Yeah. It's sooo funny! I likeish thisish storyish thing!
10/19/2002 c5 4Kyani Star
You really enjoy causing these characters pain, don't you? Oh well...I suppose it must all have a purpose. Hehehe..the conversation between Lange and Eirian was great, as was the entrance of Dru and Beth, although it was sad. And I am HIGHLY for your giving Lange a few more injurys!
10/19/2002 c4 Kyani Star
I LOVE my eyes! The rest of my part is awesome too, but my eyes just rule! As for Lange...you actually have me starting to feel sorry for him...if I think of his hatred of elves as an adverse effect of a troubled past it helps. But I still haven't forgiven him.
10/19/2002 c3 Kyani Star
Yes, you're absolutley right, I did want to kill Lange! But then you made him all sad and made me fell bad (or at least quieted my bloodlust). Eirian's reaction to finding out she's an elf was great...I think I'd do the exact same thing...and yes, Miaka should DEFINITLEY have chosen Hotohori!
10/19/2002 c2 Kyani Star
Whoa, Eirian's got it tough this chapter! How could those people not like elves! it's simply unbeliveible! Anyways...of course I like my character! (especially the accent, as Michigan accents are just boring.)Oh, and whatever that monster is that attacked Eirian, it was incredibly disgusting, good job!
10/19/2002 c1 Kyani Star
Yes, you finally posted this! Fun chapter, I really like the way you described the vortex...it sounds trippy...but so does everything else after marching band practice...on to the next chapter!
10/17/2002 c4 Glass Malibu
Okay, gotta write this fast because it's time for me to get offline, but also awesome chapter and I know what you mean by the whole "dood crying" thing. I mean, towards the end of the story Adin cries aboot three times and it really pissed me off. KEEP WRITING, I NEEEEED IT! Sorrie that this is so short, but I have to go now. Byeness! Love, Peace, and Ketchup! Trigun Forever! ^_^ Peace!
10/17/2002 c3 Glass Malibu
(speaks in the voice of a doting housewife) Wow, Keebs, that was lovely. (snickers wildly) YEAH I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKIN' ABOOT! (dances around) Hmmm...so Lange rather dislikes Elves...enjoyable. (more snickering) I love this stuff...it's seriously awesome-o-might. That made no sense BUT I DON'T CARE! HOO HAW! Okay...uh...sorrie haven't been reviewing lately, but mine special computer died recently and I had to use the super-slow PC and only now do I have another fast comp, so I'll be reviewing much more! Until then...Love, Peace, and Ketchup! Trigun Forever! ^_^ Peace!
10/17/2002 c2 Glass Malibu
Heh heh heh...I love it...hmm, a bazooka and insane laughter...a certain one-legged wonder comes to mind, but that's just mine insane mind working its way onto the site. ANYWAY...muy bueno. Gonna go read 3 now! Love, Peace, and Ketchup! Trigun forever! ^_^ Peace!
10/17/2002 c1 Glass Malibu
Heh heh heh...this is grand, indeed. I'm making this short so I can read the other chapters! Love, Peace, and Ketchup! Trigun forever! ^_^ Peace!
10/17/2002 c3 15Apple Kinder
DOOOOOOOOD! I love this sooooo much! You must write and write until your fingers fall off in a horrible computer accident! I lOVE Lange, can I have him? PWEEEESE? I like the word fong too, can i use that? cuz that'd be cool. I love your story and im off to read the next chappie. baibai

10/16/2002 c4 Luke-sama
Yo! Me again, as always. ^-^ Slightly weird having this chapter mostly serious... ^-^;; But it was really well-written so it was great anyway. Nice descriptions of Lange... you must really have some sort of Lange-fetish. Just kidding! Anyway, I'd call this a Mary Sue, since Eirian's baaaasically you. But it's one fo teh better Mary Sues, AND it's an ORIGINAL Mary Sue, not a fanfic one where you go into some alternate world and fall in love with some random anime character you're obsessed with ('you' as in whomever is writing the story, that was just a random example, btw). ANYWAY, it was good, and I like it! Lots of confliction views and all taht good stuff. Can't wait for the next chapter!

(btw, actionchapter of part 2 updated sometimes i think today yeah check it out if ya want).

Ja ne!


Good work, as USUAL!
10/15/2002 c3 Luke I-Wish-My-Last-Name-Was-Skywalker
That was sooooo fonging funny! Man, I laughed through the whole chapter! That was awesome. Rat wants to you read new updates of Ex. Closet and Frog wants you to read Summer Special or some nonsense like that. Anyway, that was reall really really funny, and the elf rant was funny. Which elf rant? Oh, them all. The 'I TALKED TO A FONGING NORN' rant was great, as well. Eirian talks like a real person, so it's really funny. Unlike stupid Lotus *bashes her head in* Stupid my characters! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm gonna make one of my friends read this story cuz she'd adore it! And don't eat anyone...

Ja ne!

-Cinnabar Scarlett
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