Fiction »
General Rated: K, English, Words: 674, Published:
10/18/2002 Updated:
Chapter 1: The Sweater, a wonder gift, a horrible choice of clothing!
"This is the last one", Katie said as she opened the last of her Birthday presents. She hoped it was what she wanted. The one thing that everyone has! "YES! Oh, Mom! I love you to death!" It was the one thing she had wanted for MONTHS! It was the one thing she had wanted. The awesome sweaters that all the girls at school were wearing. It wasn't like the ones the girls at school were wearing, this one was different. All the girls were wearing sweaters that wear blue, red, or baby blue. Katie's was white. "I'm sure to stand out, be different, and cool all at the same time now. This is great! I can't wait until Monday." Well when Monday came Katie mad sure not to forget her white sweater, and her project. She had to make a time capsule. Katie thought she did the best job. She had colored the box in many different colors. It was great. As she walked up to the bus stop, she held the box very close to her. Once she got there, Katie put her box down next to her backpack, and started talking to friend Kelsey. "Hey, Kelsey! Like my sweater?" Kelsey looked at it and said," When did you get this?" "On my Birthday. Why?" "Well if I were you, I'd take that back if I were you, because somebody got purple on it!" Katie started to panic, "Oh my gosh! Where?" It was right on the front of the sweater. Kelsey hid Katie until they got to school, and they could get into a bathroom and clean it off. All went well until lunch. When three people bumped into her, Katie thought it was nothing. Once she sat down people were giggling behind her, then Whitney came over and said, "You do realize there gravy on your back. Right?" Of all the days to wear a white sweater. It had to be the day the school serves something with gravy. They couldn't get it off. Then the rest of the day was a nightmare. People made fun of her, and laughed. When she got home she threw the sweater in the hamper. Then ran to her room, and cried.