Title: Demons of the Night
Fear them...hide...
In the night, the darkness takes over and rules the world.
This is why people escape to their dreams,
to hide from the terror that lurks.
Although we sleep,
all sound and tight,
we still feel the cold presence,
of these demons of the night.
We still hear their cries,
of pain and whoa,
but now we just ignore.
We cannot blame the dark demons for their cries.
They were all once dreamers,
like you and me,
and they are now condemned to hell and eternity.
This night, when you think you are alone,
do no sleep well,
because there is a demon watching,
one of those many condemned to hell.
See them...run...
lol, I actually like this. I'm a not weird? I know I suck a poetry, but please review. Flames excepted. ^_~ Oh, read the first sentence and the last, they kind of together...
Cakes and Carrots,
A ChibiMinko Production!