Inspired by Still, from the pen of Mop Head and her Daemon. This is one of those poems that just seem to happen by themselves. I guess I was channeling my 6am Muse again *shakes fist*


Did you ever wonder what it would be like
to stand here, on the edge of eternity
and watch it fall away?
I've been here for years
and knowing
that this is the place I belong.

It's strange to feel safe
at the end of the world
but there are no lies
no tears
no last minute changes of heart
to scatter doubt among the roses
and eventually choke the soul.

It's clean
and new
and at the same time
older than death.
You get to watch everything burn
blow away;
all those broken hearts
and shattered dreams
and hard, unforgiving words
and all the things
you wish you'd never said.

There are no angels
no seven-headed goat
and no kraken,
only this moment
in which everything is crystal
and the light is so bright
it blinds you to everything
but oblivion.

I feel better for having gotten this down on, um, disk. Now I can go to bed ^_^.

~Jing, terrorised by the Muse of 6am Poetry