Kerri was out of breath. She picked up the phone and dialed her cousin. "Kadie! You'd better have a good explanation for this!"

The phone rang three times. "Hello? Kerri! I was trying to call you earlier…"

"Yah? Well guess what. Those stupid bracelets of yours just made a huge horse thing come through a giant rip in my living room wall!"

"WHAT? You can't be serious! I knew that the charms were magical, but that's insane!"

"Well, tell that to the other creature that came out behind it to defend me. It's a tiny little unicorn thing with wings on it's feet. Her name is Rainbow, I think that's because of what her hair and tail look like. Tiny rainbows."

"Oh? Okay."

"So now what am I supposed to do with the charms?"

"Yah well you can get to another world with them by…." She continued talking and explaining until she hung up.

"Joey? Kasey? You guys alright?" Keri hung up the phone and looked around the room. It should have been trashed, but I didn't look near as bad as Kerri thought it would with a fight having gone on here. There were some papers thrown about and they might have a small problem finding the remote control, but other than that, not serious harm. Kasey and Joey came out from behind the recliner.

"What did Kadie have to say?" Kasey asked.

"She said to stay calm. Everything's okay. That means you, Joey." Kerri turned to her brother who was standing by the door, scared to death.

"We should go to the neighbor's house. We'll be safer there!" He looked like he was going to cry. His sisters often said he had a panic problem and he would have ulcers by the time he was 19.

Kerri then turned to the little unicorn creature settled on the couch. "So, I guess you're staying with us, right?" She really didn't expect it to answer, but it did anyway.

"Well, that's what I'm supposed to do. Angelica Almega sent me. She says that you and I are supposed to work together. Didn't she appear to you? A tall woman with cones with pigtails coming out of them on her head?"

Kerri shook her head, tossing her dark chestnut, corkscrew curls. She looked very different from her brother and sister. Joey was a very light brunet with blue eyes that had a ring of brown right in the center. Kasey was a dirty blonde with crystal blue eyes and freckles. Kerri had hazel green eyes.

"I'm sorry…What did you…say?" Kerri's eyes were huge.

"I said, didn't you see Angelica Almega? She's like a ghost in appearance but she's very nice." Rainbow went to preening her hoof wings.

"Kerri, you've got some weird taste in toys." Kasey said, eyeing Rainbow.

Rainbow's head snapped up. "I'M NOT A TOY!"

Kerri ignored their bickering and stared at her bracelet. Unlike the other two bracelets she had gotten in the mail, hers had two charms on it. A rainbow on two clouds and a lighting bolt from one black cloud. "What are these things for anyway?" She wondered out loud.

Evan and Jamie were entering a large, dirty room with one ray of light in it. It had lots of torn tapestries that hung down all over to mix with the cobwebs. Jamie bowed in the ray of light, where her master liked all of his subjects to be when they spoke to him. It kept most of them from seeing him. Evan only bowed his head.

"Did you get the one I sent you for?" a loud, annoyed voice boomed out.

Evan stepped forward a little, his dark black hair letting off a velvet shine, and his deep brown eyes tried to focus in the extremes of light and dark. "No sir. The target was not captured. Rebel monsters got in the way again."

A loud roar was heard from the master's side of the room. "YOU COULD NOT BRING ME THE GIRL? ONE TEENAGE GIRL? 16 YEARS OLD, BROWN HAIR AND HAZEL GREEN EYES LIKE A CAT AND YOU CAN'T BRING HER HERE? Evan! I warn you, failure is not acceptable. And here you have failed twice! I could understand before because you were out numbered. Maybe even a little anxious for a real fight, but I don't understand how you could not get this girl."

"He was too busy making goo goo eyes at her." Commented Jamie. She started mocking. "Ooh! It's my dream girl! I saw her in my dreams before! Look Jamie! Her hair! Her eyes! She's so beautiful!" Jamie almost started laughing. The young, brown haired blue eyed girl was doing her best not to burst out giggling.

Evan's face was slightly pink. He had faltered because of how familiar she looked. He could have sworn he'd seen her before. She was just his age, but she was fairly tall.

Master saw the boy's blush and got an idea. "Evan, the reason we need to bring her here is because we want her to be on the right side. We don't want her falling into the clutches of those heathens that beat you before. You need to bring her to me so she will be safe. That is why we are hiding here, remember? Until our forces are larger, we have to hide in this gloomy chamber. Bring her to me, Evan. It's for her own good. You'd be her hero. Do it for her well being. Don't mess up again." Evan walked out the door. "Jamie, I'm giving you another command. You will lead troop 5 into the Rojo mountains and conquer all the land you can on that side of Genesis Isle. Also, Keep an eye on Evan. Love, especially at his age, can dull one's senses."

Jamie nodded and turned on her heel, her Mythicamon partner right behind her.

Kadie and Kerri had talked a little when she had called later that night. They had decided to meet that night, while everyone else was asleep. They were now on their way through tall prairie grass on Genesis Isle, each with their new partner, each looking franticly for the other. Fiona waved her tail in the direction they should go and led Kadie through to a small clearing Kerri had made.

"Kadie! It's good to see you again!" Kerri hugged her cousin.

Kadie returned the hug quickly. "Did you bring all the bracelets?"

Kerri held out two of them. "I would give you the Rainbow one, but I think that one is mine." She glanced at Rainbow, who was chewing on some of the sweeter grasses and sniffing around. Suddenly, both monsters turned their heads up and froze.

"RAIN!" Rainbow shrieked as she started to fly for cover. Fiona followed, Kadie grabbing onto her tail to keep up. Kerri wasn't fast enough and watched in awe as a thunder head suddenly appeared above her. It thundered something wild then a small bundle fell from it. Kerri ran to the place it had fallen.

"It looked alive!" she whispered. She came to a clearing of burnt grasses and in the middle of it lay a monster that looked like the exact opposite of Rainbow. It was a horse, but it's mane and tail were made of purple, curling clouds and It had a lighting bolt on it's otherwise purple head. This monster was black/purple and rainbow was white/pink on her hide. Kerri picked up the little horse carefully, trying not to disturb it any more than necessary. It began to stir when she brought it near the warmth of her body, it's jagged horn nuzzling Kerri.

"L-look out." it murmured. Kerri looked up and saw a huge Preying mantis thing flying at her.

"AHHHHHH!" She screamed as she began running with the little creature in her arms.

Fiona was watching with Rainbow at her side. They both started running to intercept the bug before it got to close to Kerri. Kadie was right behind them. "KERRI!"

Kerri fell to the ground and the bug, which she now noticed was pink and yellow, descended upon her. She guarded the little horse with her body and waited for the bug to grab her. When it didn't she looked up to see a black horse standing between it and her. A young man with black hair and brown eyes was walking toward her with his hand outstretched. "It's alright. I'm not going to attack you." He helped her up and started to help her towards the horse, Kerri was too dazed to resist.

Kadie saw Evan, and knew that him holding onto Kerri was not a good thing. "FIONA! KERRI'S IN TROUBLE!" The charm on her hand started to glow again and Fiona once again became the green wolf.

"Leave her alone, scum bag!" Growled the wolf monster. She jumped between Evan and the horse. The bug was long gone.

"I won't let you corrupt her! She belongs with the right side! Go away evil Vixen of Blossoms!" Evan shouted back. He motioned for Vlay to fly over her and come down behind him, holding on to Kerri who was now in total shock from seeing Fiona change. Seeing this, he lifted her up in his arms. She was still holding the little dark unicorn. Vlay swooped down behind Evan, knocking Rainbow, who was trying to keep him from Kerri, out of his way with a gust from his sudden take off. Evan wrapped Kerri in his ankle length, blue cape and hoisted the both of them up onto Vlay's awaiting back.

Evan gave a fare well salute and Kadie started running after him, screaming, "Bring her back! BRING BACK KERRI, YOU MONSTER!" Vlay took off and knocked her back with a powerful gust of wind and sand. Kadie sat down and cried with her head in her hands. "Oh god… What have I done? She needed me! I couldn't help her!" She looked at Fiona. "What will they do to her? How long do you think we have?"

Fiona looked at the moon and then back at Kadie. "I'm not sure on either of those questions. I don't think he wants to hurt her though. He even made sure she was wrapped up and protected from the cold of flight. I think he's just confused."

"Well, confused or not, we have to save Kerri." Kadie stood on shaky legs and nearly fell back down. Fiona caught her.

"We'll save her later. Right now, we have to go home and put you back to bed. I have a feeling that Kerri will be fine tonight. I'm sure Evan won't let anything happen to her. You wait and see."

"And if you're wrong? Then what?" Kadie asked.

"Then we cross that bridge when we come to it." Fiona said, picking up Kadie in her wolf jaws and carefully laying her on her back. "Right now, we go home and tell the others."

Kadie fell asleep on Fiona's back. When she woke up, she was in her bed, cradling Fiona's dog-like head.

Evan didn't' know when Kerri had fainted, but she was out cold when he landed on the top of Tower Exodus. He put her in a room in the top of the tower and locked it to make sure that no one tried to kidnap her. He went back in a few hours later to check on her and noticed she was coming around.

Kerri's eyes fluttered open and she gasped. The room was a little dirty but it had a bed and windows, not like a prison cell. She looked around and spotted Evan. His hand immediately went up to her mouth to keep her silent. She tried to scream but he leaned in with a worried look on his face.

"Don't scream. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Kerri nodded and he removed his hand.

"Where am I?" She asked. "And how on Earth did I get here?"

Evan smiled a very small smile. "You were being attacked. I rescued you and brought you here. This is the top room of Tower Exodus. It was once used by the keeper of the tower but no one's seen him for years." He walked over to the window and whistled long and loud. "Vlay! She's up!"

A stuffed animal sized black Pegasus flew to the window, holding a basket of food. Bread, fruit and other things had the basket almost overflowing. He offered her the basket saying, "I'm Evan. What's your name?"

"My name is Kerri. I need to go home soon." She said, hoping he would let her go. He looked down, troubled and then looked back at her.

"I'm sorry. You can't leave yet. Don't ask me why. Master's orders. I'm sure you can go home soon though." He stumbled out, seeing she seriously didn't like his answer. She was almost in tears.


Guess what…Now it's going to start being even longer till I update!

Readers: Groan

I got this really cool idea for another original fic!

I will keep writing this fic, but only if I get some reviews! COME ON PPL! R & R!