Authoress Note: New Chapter! WOOOOO. Be proud of me, I'm slacking off in the writing department and I've finally decided to update this story. I wish I was more familiar with New York (don't there there as often as I'd want to), but since I'm, not I made some stuff up. Like Vintage Chic. So it belongs to me. So there. ::sticks out tongue:: OH YEA! AND THE REAL DANNY AND JACK ARE REALLY GOING OUT IN REAL LIFE! YESS WOOOO!

I know, short chapter again. I'll try to make them longer in the future, I promise!

Please review, flame, tell me how great I am, etc, etc,etc.

Chapter Two

"Life is a flower of which love is the honey."- Victor Hugo

When Jessika arrived at the school, she found Hayden where they met everyday. She smiled and headed toward her attractive boyfriend, who gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Jess, I've been meaning to talk to you about something pretty important. Tonight, lets go out to dinner okay?" The word "important" gave Jess a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. She nodded in agreement. He smiled and said he would call her later. She slumped down into a bench and watched as he walked toward the large building.

Meanwhile, back in the apartment, Amanda was getting ready for her first ballet class that day. She looked at the clock. Only 9:10, she said to herself, that gives me about two hours to go get those hot stiletto heels I saw down the street. Since the pink shirt was apparently no where to be found, she decided on a purple peasant top, jeans and strappy black shoes that made her four inches taller instead. Underneath it though, she wore her dance leotard and tights. She grabbed her bag and yelled to Jadyn.

"Jade! I'm going down to Vintage Chic, do you wanna go with me?" She heard a bang, a slam, and a then feet padding out of the bedroom and into the kitchenette. Jadyn stood in front of her, who seemed to have gotten dressed and applied her make up in less then ten minutes. That was unbelievable, to say the least.

"Lets hit it baby." She put her round shaped pink tinted sunglasses onto her head (which, according to Marie Claire magazine, were the best shape for her face) and opened the door. The two walked out, but on their way down the hall stopped to knock on one of the doors.

"Who is it?" A sweet young man's voice rang out through the door.

"Mandy and Jadyn, Danny!"

They heard the door unlocking and it clicked open to reveal a dark brown haired, very good looking, tall man. This was Danny McMillen, Jack's adorable boyfriend.

"Girls! How nice of you to drop by our humble little home! Can I offer you some pie? Champagne?" Danny said flamboyantly. He wore an apron that said "Kiss the Hottie" and some black jeans.

"No thanks darling, we just came in to see if you wanted to go shopping with us Danny." Jadyn said smiling at him. She loved that her brother dated boys, she actually wouldn't have it any other way.

"Sure! Let me tell my little Sex Pot in the shower where I'm going." And he ran off. The boy's apartment was cleaner and more organized then the girls, probably because Jack couldn't have anything out of place. The furniture in the living room area consisted of a good sized couch, a big arm chair, a coffee table and a small TV. Amanda walked in and sat down on the tan sofa. She grabbed the remote as Jadyn said to her

"Mandy, what are you doing? We're leaving soon."

"Hello, remember the LAST time Danny went to tell Jack something when he was in the shower?" Mandy said to her friend.

"I see your point…he won't be back out here for another hour."