Jack's Story
By Amai

Disclaimer- Jack's Story is copyright Yasmin Saaka (Amai) along with its plot and characters. Please don't steal it. It would make her very sad- you don't want to make a girl cry, do you?

Author's Notes-Wow. I haven't posted here in a while…not sure if I'm back, but here I am for now. ^_^; No more fanfiction for now (but if I can finish seeing all of CCS…oh YES, fanfiction will be born), but the beginning of an original story of mine. Actually, I plan on making it a manga, but from experience with another manga of mine ( .com- woohoo, shameless plugging) I realized…probably to make a good storyline, you should write it out and think about it more than just once per page. _ ; *stupid* I'm not sure if this prologue will make much sense however…it's supposed to be mysterious, but I think I really failed at that, and made it confusing. Oh well- back to square one, I guess. I hope you enjoy anyway. ^_^

Oh yes- pictures of some characters from this manga can be found here ( .com) if anyone is interested. ^^

Prologue: He Falls

"It ends now."

The deafening silence after that statement could drive any man mad, yet he stood his ground. He had to; everything he and the other did…all their actions would be accounted for the future. Their future. Or perhaps…his.

"Does it?"

He stood upon the highest branch of the Lifeless Maiden, the tree that had served his savior for many moons in this land; from ever since he had first arrived, before he could remember. Quite fitting that The End would occur here…he repressed an urge to laugh at the cold irony of his situation. The day was dark, as all days were in their world. At last, he cracked a grin, his eyes of blood mimicking his mouth as he watched a bemused expression slowly twist the other's pursed lips into a crooked smile.

"I don't understand you…you bleed, yet you smile. Where do you gather this strength? Or is it simply an illusion?"

He shook his head, his grin never straying…indeed, he was wounded; the hand to his chest, dark with his quickly drying blood proved this. He knew that his life was dripping through his hands…and that was exactly what made him smile. So close to death…the thought of it was maddeningly exciting. He knew he wouldn't die…no, no- he couldn't die. After all, he was Death's apprentice, the devil's advocate.

He knew no such thing as fear.

"No more questions, Katsuo. We've gotten this far…don't expect your smile to change our destiny."

The other sighed, his smile turning sad, the modest light the gray sky revealed that he was injured too, though not as deeply as his opponent.

"Only one can stay…yes, I know." Quickly, Katsuo unsheathed a scythe, darkness covering him once more- what little light had shined down on him had quickly shied away from the area as if his form revolted it. In turn, he prepared himself for his final battle, his scarlet eyes almost glowing with exhilaration as he cried out, launching himself at the other.

"Let's finish this!"

They fought for an eternity, and despite each of their wounds, they carried on, drunk with the excitement flowing through their battered veins. They laughed, screamed, and fought until pain and pleasure seemed to mix together, uniting them equally in companionship and their rivalry. However…nothing could last forever, one of them would loose eventually. Somehow. A choked scream. It had happened. Katsuo looked on shock. The scythe had finally pierced through skin.

"My friend…it has ended You…"

Looking down at his chest, he could vaguely see that his companion's dark weapon had impaled him. The subsequent feeling was interesting…as if with the breaking of skin, his body had been freed from his mind. It grew limp, as if rebelling from his own wishes to continue his battle. He fell.


He could see Katsuo screaming out his name but he could hear nothing…he simply could feel himself falling.


The last thing he heard was a deep voice, which rumbled out,

"You have succeeded."


Jack snapped awake, sweating.

"…What…was that?"

It was one of the oddest dreams he had ever had. Two boys…one who looked like an angel, and the other his opposite. The first boy's form boasted of locks of a dark red shade, which contrasted his skin, a pale peach. The second boy had light purple hair, and skin of a rough tan in color. The first boy saw through eyes of a sharp azure; the second of a deep scarlet. The first had soft wings of ebony, while the second had no wings at all…rather, the ears, tails, fangs and claws of a gray wolf. Oddly enough, they were anything but opposite…rather they were almost like brothers.

They struggled in a battle; a battle neither of them really wished to participate in…and the second boy fell.

That's when he woke up. It was the first time he had had a dream in a while- but that wasn't what worried him. No…what scared him was the fact that he always seemed to have dreams when something important was going to happen. This…couldn't be an exception…could it? Jack rubbed his head anxiously,

"…I wonder what this is about..."

Another day had started in the city of Shirakumo, or the city of eternal sunshine. However, not even sunshine could clear up the gray clouds within Jack's mind today.

Something was about to happen.