I have a couple of ideas that could end up being additional fairy tales, but they aren't complete. I would really like to continue this right away though. So if you have any ideas/ recommendations for me please review or email it to me. I would really appreciate it.
Thanks to my wonderful reviewers:
Raven BlackWolf- I'm thrilled that you found it funny. I had to read the Princess in the Tower in front of my English honours class and they hardly even smiled.
Crystaleyes- Thanks for you review. I'm glad you like this story
I am considering writing a short story about a rich young man who is an absolute jerk until he runs into a fairy godmother who makes him nice. This would be great except nobody actually believes that it is actually the young man speaking and they believe that he is possessed. Is this a good idea or not?
Please note that I will be removing this chapter when I update next.