Conflicting Ideas
Is the world corrupt?
No, not really.
It is merely blind.
Blinded by what you ask?
Can't you figure it out?
Okay, I'll help you out.
Let's start at the beginning…
Where you ask?
Why with all the questions?!
Calm down, seek inner haven.
Okay, let's start again.
Follow me…
Death and meaningless bloodshed.
And for what?
Power? No.
Supremacy? No, again.
The answer is for security.
You might think:
Security? Nah!
Can't be! Never!
But it's true.
Look deep within yourself.
The answer is there.
Can't find it?
Keep looking.
It's there.
To move on…
Let us go to the
World as a whole.
What's wrong with the world?
Why everything!
And yet nothing.
How can that be?
Well, there's death, famine
Chaos, destruction, etc…
But there is still good in the world.
Some hope of sanity left,
Be it sane of insane.
Hope in insanity?
Yes, it can exist.
Look for yourself.
What's so hard to believe?
Don't you hate yourself
And love your being all at once?
The answers are there for us,
We just have to dig deep.
Where is this insanity you ask?
So full of questions are we.
It's locked in us all.
Yes, you heard right.
It's inside us all,
It just needs to be released.
You make it sound so horrid,
So demeaning, something to be
Looked down upon…
But it's not that at all.
It's a wondrous thing,
Insanity is.
Insanity is not just us
Talking to ourselves, or
Listening to disembodied voices.
No, it is following that
Which we believe is right, even
If others disagree.
You disagree?
Then listen further,
Hear me fully.
You think insanity is
It's not, I'm afraid.
Senselessness is akin to
Blind rage,
Akin to losing oneself.
"But the definition of insanity is…"
No, you were taught wrong,
Young one.
Yes, I called you young!
Even if you're ninety-eight
You are still young in mind.
Don't interrupt your peer!
Don't judge me by age,
I am far maturer than you!
But alas, before my emotions
Overtake me,
Let us continue.
A good topic to move to.
Vast things are held within.
Maturity is not measured by
Years, dear friend.
Instead, it is measured by
One's thoughts.
By thought alone.
That is how.
Why the furrowed brow?
Is it that hard to understand?
Then let me explain further.
Thought is this:
Letting your mind wander
Amid the countless ideas that
Inhabit the mind,
Be they small or
Be they large.
The more you let
Your mind dwell on
A certain topic,
The more chance it
Has to develop,
As does maturity.
Thusly, insanity
Goes in hand with
If you allow yourself to
Think about multiple
Answers at once,
While not ruling
Out any possibilities,
The mind is given the chance to develop.
Do you see now?
Good, good!
Onward then.
You now see that that which
You previously called 'evil'
Is not evil at all.
You have allowed your
Mind to grow in ways
That is the true meaning of
Maturity. Others were led astray
Not by evil, but by confusion.
Endless possibilities await you.
Do not fear though, for
It is merely understanding.
Do not allow others to think
Less of themselves when
Around you, though.
Merely help them understand
What I have shown you.
Help their mind mature.
With that done,
My job accomplished,
I must leave now.
Do not let fear cloud your
Mind. I will be in your
Heart and thoughts forever.