There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It's bright, streaming from a small opening into a wider space

Almost like a natural cascading funnel,

But with a more brilliant grace.

Tis a small reminder that someone's there

And that you're never alone

Even though you might not know where

And any fear is your own.

No matter how dreadful or wonderful the "aberrance"

That random person has,

Be comforted by his or her presence

But don't take it for granted fast.

It symbolizes too

A choice of your destination

That your final goal aims to

Be from your own determination.

There is a song of hope

That is left unsung,

But will let one in the dark not grope

And be able to sigh and have fun.

Life is currently here

In all its glory

And will continue to be, ye hear,

As long as we allow its voice to ring in story.

Don't feel lost.

You will never be forever.

Ignore the iciness of the frost

Because you're never aloneā€¦ ever.