
By Alexandra Reed

Tom, I love you so
I would do anything, I feel so low
You are beautiful and handsome
Its almost like you are my death and so toilsome

You are my god my passion
I wish to follow you and bring up your fashion
You are the one whom I love and admire
The consequences may be dire

Never a day goes by when you're not in my thoughts
Cause I think of you lotz
I wish to know you
And I love everything you do

You are sleek and funny
Like my little playboy bunny
So handsome mysterious cool
This is the part, to say I am a fool

I will never stop loving you
I sear to it whatever I do
You are mine forever and more
Have pictures of you galore

You are mine dream boy
Wouldn't I like to play with you, like a toy
I love eternally forever only you
And oh the things I want to do with you