He Felt it All By: DreamerRoni

A/N: This spawned from a song I heard when I was little about all the misconceptions that people have about Christ's crucifixion. I think from the title, you can't guess what I'm about to write! Please read and review!

Most of us learned at a young age That Jesus died for us.

But what we didn't understand Is that Jesus is mortal.

And if Jesus is mortal Then that means he feels physical pain.

Just like you and me.

How do you think he felt? When he was beaten and whipped.

He felt hurt, and betrayed. He felt bewildered that his Father would Allow all this to happen.

And what do you think he thought? When the Romans nailed his hands And when the Romans nailed his feet.

What do you think he thought? When few Christians stood watch as he Bled to death on the hill?

And how do you think we would feel? Someone staked US to a wooden cross?

He felt it all. But he didn't 't plead for mercy from the guards. He felt it all. He felt all of our sins. And he endured it.