Awaking You

Your presence is warming in a way I don't understand,

You're the creature of flesh and blood,

a product of your emotions.

I, however, am not.

I am cold and heartless,

I use my beauty to entice you,

my mind to manipulate you.

I feel nothing when your pure heart shatters.

Mine was made of unmeltable ice years ago.

And yet you still try after I'm finished with you.

Don't you see?
I don't care for you,

I used lust to bring you to me and I made you believe I loved you.

I love no one,

not even myself.

So stop trying to melt me and fill me with your warmth,

I'm untouchable.

The only thing I wish further to do with you is kill you.

To watch the life leave your eyes,

the fear of knowing you're done.

As you clutch my arm in a desperate attempt to hold onto life,

I feel true glee.

To know I showed you something real,

the way life works,

will make you know the human race better and make you want life more.

And yet, as you float in eternity, you know you'll never get it back.