Author's Note By Phoenix Warrior

[A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed. I'm thinking of changing the name to Arthur's Note instead. Tell me what you think in your reviews or e-mail me at WizardBoy100 . ]

Chapter Three: A Locked Door Without A Key

Arthur's room had a lock, but the key was missing. See, when Arthur was six he got the key and gave it to his dog, who ate it. The McGlow family had never been able to find that key. Which was a good thing for Arthur because when he wanted privacy, he could get it.

That's what Arthur was doing today.

On a rainy Saturday, you don't expect a sixteen-year-old without any friends to go outside and do much, but you don't expect him to lock himself in his room all day, either. His parents banged on the door most of the day and that kept him from doing much. But when they finally gave up, he sat at his desk and took out a pad of paper and a pen.

He wrote, 'I guess my parents are a little freaked out. Because when a kid like me starts to do something everybody thinks I can't do, people get shocked. They look at me in a new light. Some good and others. bad. This will be the last thing I write and it will be destroyed.' He then ripped up the piece of paper and snapped the pen in half. He hated writing.

He didn't like being forced to write. 'That's not true, Arthur,' he told himself. 'You love writing. But not writing on paper.' That's what Arthur wanted carved on his tombstone when he died. "I'm always writing. Just not on paper."

With that he walked over to the wooden door and unlocked it. He just didn't leave yet. He laid on his bed. He let himself drift off to sleep. Off course, writing might not be so hard for Arthur to stop doing after he showed he could do it after all..

[A/N: I know this chapter was short (shorter then usual). But I wrote it at 1:00 and I'm starting to get a slight case of writer's block. Please review. And once again, thanks to all who reviewed already!]