-Untitled Love Poem-
There's never a day I don't think about you.
Never an hour, minute, nor second.
Ninety-nine percent of my thoughts are about you,
And how I yearn that the two of us can one day be together.
At night, I pray to the Powers That Be that one day
You'll open your eyes and see me for the first time.
See me as how I see you: As the one thing God made perfect.
But I look in the mirror and distress plays in my eyes.
They tell me that my wishes are only wishes
And that wishing won't bring me solace,
But misery because I know the truth.
I know that you and me will never be compatible.
You're so blinded by love and caught up in your own reality,
That you don't see the pain I encompass.
My heart can only take so much. So please. I beg you,
Open your eyes.