When the sacred vows are broken

When blood is spilled upon the floor

When one among you is taken

When you can cry no more.

When the three sisters appear before us

And all is not what it seems

Punishment is set unjust

As destiny comes apart at the seams.

When the strings that bind

Destinies are undone

Then the soul and the mind

Will turn to one.

She who will become

The sacrifice

To save those she loves

She will pay the price.

Then we who swore to protect

Come so we must

Yet the promises unkept

Make your friendship turn to dust.

No matter how hard you pray

Your lives now entwined

Will she live a day

Past the given time?

That Star that once

Shone brightly in the sky

For this we denounce

Never shall she say goodbye.

Reborn she shall be

Along with her friends

Till they can see

And for the past make amends.

When the circle is broken

And the truth comes to light

Remember the token

Of love so bright.

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

The curse to be broken

Only by trust.

Sacrificing Star

For one little lie

You must travel far

But will you live or die?

Our lives in your hands

Our fates at your will

For never before

Has destiny been so still.

The winds of time

Refuse to interfere

But for you they will

Shed a tear.

Sacrificing Star

With your last might

You've travelled far

Don't give up the fight.

Child of darkness

Born of light

In Fortunes hands

You are this night.