This Is Where I'll Be Commenting On My Wonderful Reviews

Lami: Wow, you really like my story. *grins* That is so cool. I see that you want to see more of Courtney? He's a sweetheart isn't he? I love Courtney. *grins* Love Casey and Schuyler as well. I'm glad you like my sense of humor, hopefully I'll be showing more of it as we get along in this story, though I have to say that Casey has a cruder sense of humor than I do, so I don't know how it's going to come across. *sighs* I'll try and do everyone justice. I plan on writing more chapters in Schuyler's p.o.v as we go along, so hopefully we'll get to learn much more about him.

Pink Cherry Blossom3: Never fear, Casey doesn't plan on changing anytime in the near future, this may have all started out as a way to piss his parents off, but he's kind of gotten used to it now and it's far from a phase, no matter how much his father may hope. *winks*

indecisivepunk: I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I think they are I love Schuyler personally. *grins*

GothicBaby: Yes, I'm going to write more, I'm just not having much inspiration. *pouts*

Authors Note: Casey, Courtney and Schuyler belong to me, do what you will with everyone else, though I don't see why you'd be interested in them *winks* Hmm…I'm still getting reviews for this story, damn that's amazing. *grins* Hmm…this next chapter is going to be in Courtney's p.o.v., so it's going to be a bit different from the previous ones. I hope you all enjoy it. _d I can' else, though I don'nd step-mother off, well not quite


"Bang," guess Serena and dad have finally gotten home. It's so different around here without Casey, no one's quite like my brother and it's already too quiet around here without him. I guess life's going to get boring in the very near future. I'm not going to go down to say hello to my parents, I don't see the need to, they took my best friend away. I know they're doing it because they think it's best for both Casey and myself, but they just don't get Casey, he's never going to change, no matter how many correction centers…oh excuse me, boarding schools they send him too. I know father wants Casey to be this perfect son that he can be proud of and show to the media and society, but sorry, it's not going to happen, not while dad has his prejudices, which he'll never get rid of. Hey don't get me wrong, I love my father, he's provided well for both Casey and myself and he's doing the best he can, but it can't be easy married to a woman of Serena's caliber, yes everything Casey has accused that woman of is true. She thinks Casey's setting a bad example for me by er…entertaining his er…friends in his bedroom, but she's no better, the only difference is that she knows how to hide it better, not that Casey would ever even attempt to hide what he's about. I am fully aware though that one day father will find her out and I just hope I'm home when that happens.

I was talking to Casey earlier on messenger, but he had to go, dinner or something. He was telling me about his new roommate, I think his name was Schuyler. I can already tell that my brother has a huge crush on this boy and I find it very amusing, from what Casey's told me about this guy I'm guessing that he and Schuyler are completely different people. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, but I don't have any high hopes for Casey's chances. I mean Casey's always screwing around, figuratively and literally, and this guy sounds all serious, I mean come on why would a boy that reads Classics for fun be interested in my fun loving big brother? Who knows maybe I'm wrong? It's not like I've had any experience of the sort, for one thing no one would be good enough for me in Casey's eyes, so automatically they would most definitely not have my brother on their side. I hope for Casey's sake that I am wrong; this guy could actually help Casey settle down some. Anyway, you should have seen how Casey described him; I think his words were, god-like. That made me laugh hard. Short red hair and the most amazing brown eyes you ever did see, positively god-like in his looks. Can you tell I'm still laughing as I recall that, who ever knew that Casey could be so poetic?

His only been gone a day, but boy do I miss him. Casey has all this energy that just make's life that much more fun. But I won't be able to bask in that energy until winter, and that's not for about three months, how am I supposed to get on? He wants me to try, so I will, I'll just have to surround myself with my friends more often, none of them are anything like Casey, but they're still fun. I suppose I could answer his email? It'll give me something to do at least.

TO: c1winter

FROM: c2winter

SUBJECT: re: Missing You

Hey Casey, thought I'd answer your email since I've got nothing better to do. So I'm guessing you're really into this Schuyler guy? He better be good to you big brother or I might just have to teach him a lesson. smiles Say hi to this mystery man for me will ya? Warn him that if he doesn't treat you right I'm going to hunt him down. I better go, Serena's probably ordering in right this minute, you know what the parental's are like when we're late for dinner.

Later Casey

Love You.

I pressed enter and sent the email off then went downstairs, I wasn't lying, Serena probably is ordering in right this instance. She really is a bitch when one of us or both of us keep them waiting.

I was right, she had ordered, at least I wasn't late. That's definitely a good thing. The bad thing about dinner is that I got a lecture off dad explaining to me how things were going to change around here, for one I was to start listening to 'my mother' dad's words, a pity she's not my mother, but I promised Casey I'd behave myself so I didn't say anything just nodded my head, not really giving him a yes or no answer. Oh look, Casey's answered my email.

TO: c2winter

FROM: c1winter

SUBJECT: re: Missing You

You know me too well Court, of course I'm interested in Schuyler, do I not have a pulse? The guy is a dream come true, a bit quiet, but hey I can work around that. winks I said hi, he said hello back and to tell you that he'd treat me right, though I don't think he has any idea why you'd tell him that. He's too adorable. Don't want to keep the bitch waiting. I'm heading down to dinner myself, remember to right Courtney.


I closed the email box, I'm glad I had Schuyler's word that he'd treat Casey right, even if he was as clueless as Casey says he is. I don't have a whole lot to write now; I'll send another email to him tomorrow. It's the first day of school tomorrow; maybe I'll have something to tell him.