I am nothing but a fool,
A clown.
A jester for my peers
To rip apart with their laughter,
Forced to dance
The dance of the fool.
I am nothing but a puppet,
A doll.
A toy for all to play with,
Moving my limbs as they please,
Making me dance
The dance of the fool.
I am nothing but a person,
A power.
A being whose poor soul
Has been antagonized by
Dancing the
Dance of the fool.
I am nothing but a life,
A spirit.
An eternal being
Who has placed a curse on those who
Have made me dance
The dance of the fool.
I am everything but a fool,
A clown.
They can't pull my strings.
I am not a puppet for their whims.
I'm too strong to dance
The dance of the fool.
They are now nothing but my fools,
My clowns.
My jesters to rip apart
With my laughter and will,
Making them dance
The dance of the fool.