I Have Selective Being

Boys have selective seeing

While I have selective being

When they choose to use their sight

I flounce before them with nervous delight

But no matter how impressive the show

I'm still no more than a transparent Jane Doe

Their eyes pass through me, as if I wasn't there

Each time they overlook me my heart plummets with despair

So I paint my face and change my clothes

I even get a pedicure to show off my toes

The day has come; they're opening up their eyes

To the occasion I will finally rise

Shyly smiling I dance before you; I prance and twirl

The moments pass like a boundless whirl

There you are! I see you! You're looking at me!

My heart rises to my throat; can this really be?

Only for a second did your eyes toward me flash

Enough to create in my heart an eternal slash

No, of course not, that would be too much

A moment's glance, then nothing more of such

The paint on my face slowly drips down

As I strip of my shoes and my short floral gown

My toenails are chipped and I'm still alone

All I can do is stare while you sit upon your throne

You have ceased to see, so I have ceased to exist

I know that by you I will never be missed