I open your case,
The dust is thick.
So many memories, so many melodies…
How did I forget?

In pieces you lie,
Is that a hint of rust?
I left you so long,
And hid you away.

I make you whole again,
Part by part,
I press down your keys,
And sounded a note.

The tune eases the pain,
Yes, I remember now,
B flat, F sharp, trills,
It's all flooding back.

The music paused for years,
Was it just a dream?
A crotchet, a quaver and then a rest,
Time pushed you aside.

I miss you, we worked well together…
I miss the stage,
The festivals, the orchestras,
The competition of it all.

Now I have nothing,
Except an echo of a song.
When once I played,
Now there is silence.

A beat, a bar, now onto the coda,
We're almost done,
A tune that has ended,
And a heart of regret.