You think it won't rise
And when the storm clouds roll in
You can see the sky
But it will be back
And so will your smile
I promise you this
Just wait awhile
I know that you're hurting
Deep down inside
I know I can't fix it
I can't even try
Be happy in that
Whatever happens from here
Ill be here for you
If only to dry your tears
For nothing is perfect
And neither are we
Think about it dear friend
And it's plain to see
That we all need our friends
And family too
And I'm writing you this
Because I need you
I can't let you leave me
Why this is so I cannot quite right
But you're as important to me
As sleeping at night
Think what this decision could do to all of us
The people who love you
The people you trust
They'd be heartbroken I tell you
Beyond any repair
To lose someone they love
Someone so rare
For they love you like could never know
Like the parched ground loves the rain
I can't put it into words but I'll try my best
To lose you would cause a terrible aching pain
There are no words I know
That can comfort you now
You just need to know
That we'd make it somehow
If you cannot try again
Then that is your choice
Know that we'll miss you
Your face, your voice
I have no more to say
I've probably intruded
Into your world
From which we've been excluded
I hope you get to read this
Before your life you end
Now you know what I think
And what I intend
If this is goodbye
Then that is your call
Just one more thing
I love you, that's all