You think people don't see your weakness
But the more you drink
The more translucent you become
You reveal yourself to me that way
Instead of when you're sober
I can clearly see you're lonely and scared of uncertainty
So you drink away your anxiety, expecting things to end with your hangover
Stop putting your life in a confinement

Take a step back and survey the scene
Who is that man wearing your skin?
Tell him that you want it back
Take hold of both the good and the bad
And swallow them whole
There is no love without hate
No compassion without suffering
And no life without death

It's okay
To not like what you see when looking in the mirror
Just put down your vodka, and let's talk
Buried under these menacing worries
Is the man I fondly remember
Just pick up the shovel
Dig a little deeper; I know he's still there

Take what you've got
And make it your Utopia
Step back into your skin - that aura you were
Be everything you were
All over again
And be glad that you were man enough
To take back your skin